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Which one of the new NPC's quest did you like better?

iassoniasson Member Posts: 101
Please refer only to the Quest itself, not the character of the new NPC's.
  1. Which one of the new NPC's quest did you like better?25 votes
    1. Hexxat
    2. Neera
    3. Dorn
    4. Rasaad


  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Talking solely SoA (haven't done ToB) I think Rasaad's was the best. It was interesting and had some awesome RP opportunities as well as great and diverse loot.

    Neera's SoA quest is also good for the diversity. The camp sidequests are interesting and add flavour, the Enclave is great to RP through, and it had Gul Dukeem, the best red wizard in the history of forever. I also like that you can basically do over half of Neera's content without even using her.

    Dorn's is great for keeping rep low as an evil party, and aspects of it were rather awesome. I liked that you could do them to varying levels of evility.

    Hexxat's quests in SoA kinda sucked. Other than Dragomir's Tomb the others were just boring. She had some nice and revealing personal dialogue on them, but the actual quests themselves were simply lacklustre.
  • iassoniasson Member Posts: 101
    @Eudaemonium i couldnt agree more.
  • Zzidolfas86Zzidolfas86 Member Posts: 77
    edited December 2013
    I voted Rasaad too :-)

    No competition honestly, the other stuff was rubbish.
  • mungomunkmungomunk Member Posts: 63
    Even though I really dont like Neera's character her quest is the best so far. Dorn and Hexxat's quests seem to linear, predictable and standard somehow. Rasaad's quest I cant even begin due to bugs.
    I'm not in ToB yet.
  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    edited December 2013
    do you consider all the side quests part of Neeras quest or just the central storyline?

    if you do include the side quests Neeras if its just the quest itself probably Rasaad
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    The side-quests are part of Neera's overall quest, like the Keep is for Nalia, so I'd definitely count them.
  • AcridSyphilisAcridSyphilis Member Posts: 129
    @Eudaemonium basically summed it up perfectly. Rasaad's quest was interesting, gave him additional depth, was fun to roleplay, and allows for character conflict both in your party, but also between you and your party.
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