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BGEE success or failure

etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349
was just wondering, how many copys do you think this should sell before it can be considered a success`?
already got my copy simply because i want to see more remakes


  • RenshtalisRenshtalis Member Posts: 136
    Not sure, Trent tweeted earlier, today, that he has a few projections for make or break and they haven't made it yet, but it's only early days. I'm sure we will get there.
  • EleosEleos Member Posts: 48
    Crossing fingers... I really would like to take my BG:EE character through BGII:EE and BGIII!
  • RenshtalisRenshtalis Member Posts: 136
    Me too man, I asked Trent via twitter if they don't make their projections will we still get BG2EE, no reply as of yet. I really hope we get at least BG 1 and 2
  • MiseryBusinessMiseryBusiness Member Posts: 4
    I pre-purchased mine. I have to say that I found out about the game by accident. It was a barely visible tag on Kotaku. Had I not been curious I never would have known.

    They probably don't have the money for a lot of advertising....
  • KlonoaKlonoa Member Posts: 93
    Kotaku is where I first heard about it too.
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    well going by the badges more than 900 people on this forum have pre-ordered. I wonder how many outside the forum have aswell.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    spacejaws said:

    well going by the badges more than 900 people on this forum have pre-ordered. I wonder how many outside the forum have aswell.

    Same here. Judging from the 900 pre-orders, the team has already gained about 16200 $...Mind you, we're talking rough numbers here...
  • KivonKivon Member Posts: 4
    As far as I can remember Trent said that they are committed to BGEE and BG2EE, even if BGEE isn't a smashing success. The combined success of these two will determine if they will pursue other Infinity games and/or BG3.
    Also, I wouldn't count how many people on the forum have it, because it's usually a very small (but vocal) part of the whole community.
  • RenshtalisRenshtalis Member Posts: 136
    @Kivon have what? The game? As in a beta of the game? How do I get it??????
  • KivonKivon Member Posts: 4
    @Renshtalis I mean have it pre-ordered. Sorry for the confusion.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,424

    Same here. Judging from the 900 pre-orders, the team has already gained about 16200 $...Mind you, we're talking rough numbers here...

    That might sound interesting, but is really not a lot if you think of it.

    First, I doubt they got everything for free. Either they had to pay Atari/WotC for the original game, or Atari/WotC is taking royalties.

    Then there's costs going into hosting the site, this forum, the download servers, etc...

    And then there's their wages as well. The developers need to eat, need a roof above their heads, etc... Though I'm not 100% sure if they focus on this entirely, or do other jobs at the same time.
  • ShogoShogo Member Posts: 31
    As @Kivon I think that we're the vocal part of this community, important, but a small part of it. I'm sure that there's a lot of people outside of the forum that already have bought the game. BG is the beginning of everything, don't forget it!
  • KharasKharas Member Posts: 150
    I know a few friends that aint on the forums, but they will get the game for sure.. and even though I am on the forums.. I have not preordered yet.. tight budget.. so BGEE is part of next months buy list :)

    Just saying that us on the forums are, as mentioned, a loud minority.. and we cant really judge how the game will do from in here...

    But all we can do to make sure it is a succes, is to buy it ourself (ofc), and tell all our geek friends about it.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited August 2012
    Once critic reviews are out and they get Christmas sales (hopefully buoyed by good reviews) they'll have a better idea. I think it's way too early yet.
    Post edited by Lemernis on
  • oldsch00loldsch00l Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 192
    Also don't forget pre-ordering is only applicable to Windows version of the game. You'll have to had the iPad/tablet and Mac sales later on ;-)
  • RenshtalisRenshtalis Member Posts: 136
    That's right, let's face it, the game is not out yet, it's still waaaaaay it early to tell. And keep in mind, for hardly any advertising or marketing, so far, 900 units is pretty damn good!!! Emagine the day one sales if they had a huge marketing campaign!
  • luluscadoluluscado Member Posts: 69
    I think it far to early to tell if it as a success yet as @oldsch00l said iPad/tablet/mac os can't be counted in pre sale and i think they will count for a large amount off sales. Also as mentioned there really has been no marketing. I think it won't have massive sales at launch but sales will stay more steady for longer then most AAA titles. The recent trend in retro gaming i think will also help, but again i don't think there will be big day one/pre order sales i think it will be slow and steady
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    also don't forget those in the forums who pre ordered but for some reason never got a badge, like me :)
  • KhamillKhamill Member Posts: 226
    agree, plus box edition is also worth of mentioning, although it was not confirmed yet I,m sure it will come out sooner or later couse a lot of people looking forward to happen. Maybe they are not counting on huge number of sales on BG:EE as it is only a begining of enchanted greatest hits chapter, which I think lots of fans are looking for and will spend they money on with no hesitation if BG:EE proove to be a success.
  • IchigoRXCIchigoRXC Member Posts: 1,001
    Yeah, I bought my PC version but I can't order my Mac version yet. It is very early doors to look at this sort of thing.
  • MathuzzzMathuzzz Member Posts: 203
    There are people on this forums, who didn´t pre-ordered yet, but plan to buy it. Like me, waiting for news about retail copy. I also plan to wait even month for post ship features.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    Also, let's not forget the people who got a pre-ordered copy of BG:EE as a gift! (like me) I would've bought a copy myself, but I don't have any means to pay for stuff on the internet right now. If I had, I sure would have paid for a copy myself. I might not have contributed financially, but I will contribute by spreading the word to friends and on the social sites and forums I regularly visit. :)
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    Just to clarify that I mention the badge numbers because I think that is a good sign for a game with next to no marketing and largely undiscovered by todays 'gamer' and its only been available on one platform at the moment, badge inconsistencies, gifting, ios future version which will mean multiple purchases for many(me if I has ios) etc.

    So I think its a good sign so far. I don't expect beamdog to make millions(although using their own platform probably saves more than a few bob) but I think its generating enough interest and even if it doesn't fly off the shelves I see this as being a niche classic like psychonauts that will continue to generate sales long after release when gamers stumbled upon it bored of the new cod or action 'rpg'.
  • KukarachaKukaracha Member Posts: 256
    edited August 2012
    I'm like @Mathuzzz here, waiting to see if there will be a retail copy. If I wasn't so tight on money right now, I'd buy both though.
  • ShapiroKeatsDarkMageShapiroKeatsDarkMage Member Posts: 2,428
    I doubt that. Too many JRPG fanboys out there.
  • TheCoffeeGodTheCoffeeGod Member Posts: 618
    Kukaracha said:

    I'm like @Mathuzzz here, waiting to see if there will be a retail copy. If I wasn't so tight on money right now, I'd buy both though.

    Yeah, I'm right here as well.
    Hoping for news on a retail, but if none comes, I'll be pre-ordering near the begining of Sept.

  • masterdesbaxtermasterdesbaxter Member Posts: 51
    Well, this game is going to be 2 of my friends' first voyage into BG, and I'll be purchasing in order for the three of us to multiplay. I haven't ordered yet, but I'll get around to it eventually! :)
  • FavreFavre Member Posts: 33
    If this is not a success, i pity the future of gaming industry. People can't turn their back to the awesomeness of Baldur's gate.

    But it's all about marketing. Trent and his guys might produce a jewel. If no one hears about it, no one gonna buy it.

    My point is, it has to be accessible and promoted.

    I don't see why Trent don't want to send the game on Steam. It would draw so much attention. Having this game on steam would double the profit i'm sure of it.
  • MathuzzzMathuzzz Member Posts: 203
    edited August 2012
    Favre said:

    If this is not a success, i pity the future of gaming industry. People can't turn their back to the awesomeness of Baldur's gate.

    But it's all about marketing. Trent and his guys might produce a jewel. If no one hears about it, no one gonna buy it.

    My point is, it has to be accessible and promoted.

    You have to take into consideration that it is hardcore game and technologically dated. These are two factors which ensure that the game can´t beat modern, more simple RPGs (whether the Bioware RPGs or Elder Scrolls or such...)
    Yes, this and those other old school RPGs which are being ressurected right now are chance for brighter future for genre, but in terms of sales, success for this game(even if it would be whole new BG3) would simply never beat Dragon Age or Skyrim or whatever is being played right now. That of course doesn´t mean failure. But it is the price for making something meanigful, something which won´t appeal that big mass, which produce millions of sales for console shooters and action games. It depends on the devs, whether the extra income from the game is more important than the piece of work they produce. And that I think is the reason why Trent with his team is not working for EA/Bioware anymore.

  • DreamDream Member Posts: 52
    I'm more excited for BG2EE than DA3/ME4 (especially after Bioware's last 3 games) so I've got my fingers crossed for a success.

    Also I'm probably going to end up buying a second copy if save transfer b/w PC (preordered) and iPad is hassle free.
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