BGEE success or failure

was just wondering, how many copys do you think this should sell before it can be considered a success`?
already got my copy simply because i want to see more remakes
already got my copy simply because i want to see more remakes
They probably don't have the money for a lot of advertising....
Also, I wouldn't count how many people on the forum have it, because it's usually a very small (but vocal) part of the whole community.
First, I doubt they got everything for free. Either they had to pay Atari/WotC for the original game, or Atari/WotC is taking royalties.
Then there's costs going into hosting the site, this forum, the download servers, etc...
And then there's their wages as well. The developers need to eat, need a roof above their heads, etc... Though I'm not 100% sure if they focus on this entirely, or do other jobs at the same time.
Just saying that us on the forums are, as mentioned, a loud minority.. and we cant really judge how the game will do from in here...
But all we can do to make sure it is a succes, is to buy it ourself (ofc), and tell all our geek friends about it.
So I think its a good sign so far. I don't expect beamdog to make millions(although using their own platform probably saves more than a few bob) but I think its generating enough interest and even if it doesn't fly off the shelves I see this as being a niche classic like psychonauts that will continue to generate sales long after release when gamers stumbled upon it bored of the new cod or action 'rpg'.
Hoping for news on a retail, but if none comes, I'll be pre-ordering near the begining of Sept.
But it's all about marketing. Trent and his guys might produce a jewel. If no one hears about it, no one gonna buy it.
My point is, it has to be accessible and promoted.
I don't see why Trent don't want to send the game on Steam. It would draw so much attention. Having this game on steam would double the profit i'm sure of it.
Yes, this and those other old school RPGs which are being ressurected right now are chance for brighter future for genre, but in terms of sales, success for this game(even if it would be whole new BG3) would simply never beat Dragon Age or Skyrim or whatever is being played right now. That of course doesn´t mean failure. But it is the price for making something meanigful, something which won´t appeal that big mass, which produce millions of sales for console shooters and action games. It depends on the devs, whether the extra income from the game is more important than the piece of work they produce. And that I think is the reason why Trent with his team is not working for EA/Bioware anymore.
Also I'm probably going to end up buying a second copy if save transfer b/w PC (preordered) and iPad is hassle free.