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Help with summoned elemental

RogolRogol Member Posts: 19
I've heard how effective these guys can be, but consistently, when I've attempted an elemental summon, they just stand there, unselectable (after the test of wills), with "nothing to say." Is it because I'm using Aerie to cast the summon? Is a certain charisma needed? Frustrating because I'm at the final battle of the De'arnise Hold line, and Minsc is at 70% health with no potions. I could really use the tanking (trying not to rest when not in towns).

Edit: nevermind. I had to cast it three or four times to get him under my control. He got slapped down pretty savagely anyway, heh.


  • ScufflesScuffles Member Posts: 15
    Jaheira (druids in general I guess) gets fire elementals as a level six (I think?) spell that she doesn't have to argue with first, and they're pretty awesome for tanking if you use them against all the things that don't have magic weapons.

    And when I say 'pretty awesome for tanking' I mean they'll kill anything that doesn't have magic weapons because they're immune to normal ones!
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited December 2013
    Scuffles said:

    Jaheira (druids in general I guess) gets fire elementals as a level six (I think?) spell that she doesn't have to argue with first, and they're pretty awesome for tanking if you use them against all the things that don't have magic weapons.

    And when I say 'pretty awesome for tanking' I mean they'll kill anything that doesn't have magic weapons because they're immune to normal ones!

    They are immune to normal and +1 weapons
    Post edited by elminster on
  • RogolRogol Member Posts: 19
    What do dragons hit as, +5?
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    Rogol said:

    What do dragons hit as, +5?

    It depends on the dragon. A red dragon hits as a +2, whereas a silver dragon hits as a +5.
  • MeepichiMeepichi Member Posts: 40
    I've cast summon elemental many times now and the elemental has yet to turn friendly, it just sits there neutral. It will follow me around but wont attack. I'm starting to wonder if it's a result of a mod.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    I never use elemental summoning spells as a mage, as other classes cast them better. Mages have other choices.
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    Forget it as a mage but for druids they absolutely rock.

    I wish there was a way to include summoned creature damage and kills in the summoner's statistic. That way my CHARNAME Avenger wouldn't look so utterly useless :)
  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    edited January 2014
    Yeah, never ever use it as a mage. Not worth the time and you will be pissed when a smartass mage will cast Death Spell on them. Druid only.

    The upside is that they hit as +4 weapon. Technically they could hit Kangaxx - I know that when I did Elemental Transformation (Earth Elemental) with my druid, I could hit the demilich in Watcher's Keep.

    Once you hit level 15 you will be able to send your Druid on solo missions with multiple enemies (mages included) and kill them one by one. I know that my Avenger went from something like 9% kills to at least 20% after I got all those level 7 spells.
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    I know, but I'm lazy... :) I just get a mob of elementals, point at the enemy and watch my melee crew dish out the damage, activating my 100 charge wand of heavens from time to time when I remember to do so :)
  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    When I got the Elemental Princes I basically did it like that: summon Sunnis (by far the best of them), Improved Haste and unleash him on group of enemies. Let's just say that he soloed Demon Knights in Kuo Ta lair without being damaged. Same thing in Watcher's Keep — he made all the fights in Maze Level a joke.

    There are few things he can't solo with right buffs :)
  • MythantorMythantor Member Posts: 11
    Just make sure you don't get Chan, or as I like to call him "the elemental prince of teamkilling" :)
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    Chan is such a pain you are absolutely right :) Except for Sendai, there he was great, just put him with his frelling globe of blades in the entrance to keep the reinforcements occupied. Lasted all battle, good job your highness!
  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    Chan has his uses — buff him with Improved Haste (and other if you feel like it) and send him against group of enemies. Watch from the distance how their chopped appendages fly around and just see for yourself how fast the battle log goes. If he gets killed/unsummoned, just go forward and kill the survivors.

    I would rather say that he is very NPC and other Summons unfriendly. Hitting one party member is ok (especially the ones with high saves/magic resistance) — turning crucial NPC or planetars agains you not so much.
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