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Dorn in ToB - question

First of all, hello to all. It's my first post ever here.

I would like to know if:
I have done Dorn's quest by killing the two silver dragons and escaping lunia. Is there anything else to come after that?

Thanks in advance!


  • SpiffyMcBangSpiffyMcBang Member Posts: 160

    Well, everything you can actively do.

    If you've written the names of Abazigal and Sendai in the Scroll of Retribution, a planetar will come help you during those battles. Sadly, a planetar does not come and put a sword in Saemon Haevarian, or at least not that you get to see.
  • ChanzyChanzy Member Posts: 3
    Ah ok, thanks.
    I've picked Noober and Saemon :D
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