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[BUG?] Some BG1 Sound Files Won't Play in BG2 Engine

g314g314 Member Posts: 201
edited November 2012 in Original BG2 Bugs
I don't know if this was intentional or it's really a bug, but while we still keep the all-famous "You Must Gather Your Party Before Venturing Forth" sound, BG2 doesn't play "You May Not Rest: There Are Monsters Nearby" and "You Cannot Save at This Time" unlike in BG1.

Other BG1 phrases I can remember are used in BG2 when I right-click on creatures, but are still mute. Some of these are common phrases often used by guards, commoners and dwarfs, like:

"Hello there."
"You said something?"
"Glad to meet you, friend."
"'Ello pal."
"Heya." (Best known from Noober)
"Hi, friend."
"Pleasure to meet you."
"I needs somes ale -buuurrpp-."
"Wife's been getting prickly on my arse."
"I need a swig 'o some strong dwarven ale."
"Me temper's bad enough without ye botherin' me."
...and others.

Some monsters sounds when right-clicking on them are also missing.

Current Behavior: Some BG1 sounds from the UI and creatures won't play in the BG2 engine.

Expected Behavior: All BG1 sounds are played regularly in the BG2 engine.

Please report other missing files I forgot here.
Post edited by Balquo on


  • g314g314 Member Posts: 201
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    Not to blatantly hijack your posts, but I'll link you to these because they all seem to come from the same problem.

    There is some fault in the conversion between the engines which causes playback of certain sounds to malfunction. I noticed these problems using EasyTutu and I'm quite confident it's not a glitch of it.

    I hope these get fixed because not only do we miss out on a lot of querky lines, but it destroys the atmosphere a bit.

    There's also a Tobex component which I think should be addressed. Somebody made a bug report about it but I can't find it.

    @Ascension64: "-Dialogue Greeting Subtitles. Similar to Baldur's Gate I, this component displays the greeting string reference in the dialogue bar when initiating dialogue."

    Basicly in vanilla BG the voiced lines you hear from NPCs begin as soon as you click on the NPC, but in BG2 they start only when the conversation window is launched.
  • BhryaenBhryaen Member Posts: 2,874
    A stroll through Beregost produced...

    "Hear ye! Hear ye!"
    "You'll feel the sting of my boot if you bother me further!"

    Not to mention lots of ambient sounds...

    Could be ratcheted up a notch or two though...
  • g314g314 Member Posts: 201
    Ward said:

    Not to blatantly hijack your posts, but I'll link you to these because they all seem to come from the same problem.

    There is some fault in the conversion between the engines which causes playback of certain sounds to malfunction. I noticed these problems using EasyTutu and I'm quite confident it's not a glitch of it.

    I hope these get fixed because not only do we miss out on a lot of querky lines, but it destroys the atmosphere a bit.


    @Ascension64: "-Dialogue Greeting Subtitles. Similar to Baldur's Gate I, this component displays the greeting string reference in the dialogue bar when initiating dialogue."

    Basicly in vanilla BG the voiced lines you hear from NPCs begin as soon as you click on the NPC, but in BG2 they start only when the conversation window is launched.

    The more the better! =)
    Ward said:

    There's also a Tobex component which I think should be addressed. Somebody made a bug report about it but I can't find it.

    I would definitely try it, but I'm afraid of game crashes since this is a core mod...
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    @g314 TobEx seems to run more smoothly with BGT, but maybe that's just my imagination. By the time I have Infinity Animations and TobEX in the background, the game is a little slowed, but it still lives.

    It's a 'must have' mod, but I wouldn't recommend having too many things going at once because the CPU usage gets pretty high at times.
  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    @Ward - try the_bigg's "Generalized Biffing" mod: it will clean and speed things up considerably. Install it for last, after every other mod. I used to experience slowdowns too with IA, but "Generalized Biffing" fixed that.
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    @AndreaColombo Generalized Biffing is fantastic, but the main problem I had with that particular install was certain areas (Nashkel in particular) which slowed even with GB. It was improved, but journeying through that area was painful.

    I was using a lot of strange mods I never tried before. The next install seemed to be fine. The install after that, however, seems to crash whenever I try to enter a building.
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581

    I'm a little late to this, but have you tried turning ambient sounds off in the areas you're lagging in? If i remember correctly, TuTu/BGT has a problem where certain map's ambient tracks really slow the computer down.
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305
    @agris I didn't have any problem the first playthrough of EasyTutu, although the version was older then. Either it was all the mods or the updated version, but turning off ambient sounds in the console is a good idea.
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581

    You don't even have to use the console, just the sound volume slider for 'ambient sounds'. give it a shot in one of those trouble areas, see if it helps. if i remember correctly, coastal areas and some cities had problems.
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