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Thief dual to specialist mage

After an extensive search of the forum I have yet to find what I am looking for. I've read up on lots requests for bringing back the dual class to specialist mage system from bg1 (which I would love). but what I'm looking for is a clear-cut guide on how to fix the extra spellslot per level till that happens.

I've been tinkering around with eekeeper a bit and it let me change mage to specialist mage (in this case wild mage). Everything seems to be working fine except for the extra spell per level a specialist should get. Is there a way to make one change which will register properly for the rest of the game, or am I stuck changing it every level?


  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Have you tried adding the kit before you first dual?
  • You can replicate a specialist's extra spells per level using by adding an "Affect." Take a look at this post for instructions as to how to do that with 'Keeper. I believe if you set "Value" to 1 and "modifier type" to 512, it will give you one extra spell of each level.
  • ryuken87ryuken87 Member Posts: 563
    Have you tried leveling up after changing to a specialist? Sometimes that fixes things.
  • TomarctusTomarctus Member Posts: 49
    Tried pantalion and ryuken's way, didn't work. Trying kaigen's suggestion now. The 1 and 512 doesn't seem to be working but this does give me some clue of what to try. I can probably manually just add 9 affects, one for each level. Bit of a workaround but if it works it'll be fine =).

    Thanks alot for the suggestions so far.
  • Try "511" instead of "512" for the modifier type.
  • TomarctusTomarctus Member Posts: 49
    I tried it by manually doing it for all 9 spell levels, which works. So thanks a bunch!

    I've now also tried the 511 and that seems to be working as well. Thanks again!

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