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Hexxat (Spoilers)

Is there really no way to save false Hexxat/Clara?

The whole section seems a bit odd. Maybe I'm being a bit dense but why should we sympathise at all with Hexxat? As opposed to killing her on the spot for murdering an innocent. But yeh, maybe I'm missing something.


  • AkihikoAkihiko Member Posts: 213
    Nope, no way to save her. You can keep her for a while by not doing the quest, but she'll leave your party permanently once you reach the Underdark (thus forcing you to go through it with one less party member.) There have been a number of topics and requests discussing this issue, and there's currently a feature request to change this.
  • Greenman019Greenman019 Member Posts: 206
    Ye, I took Hexxat anyways as I needed a Thief. She's a good well written character. But I just didn't like being forced into it, would have liked a choice.
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