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Bhaalspawn Powers

When you get the different powers, the 4 good or 4 bad, can you pick n mix maybe 2 bad or 2 good? If so which are the best to pick? If not which are the best set?

Also number 4 ''Permanent 25% Resistance to Physical Damage'', Does this include magical weapons? Or is it just for resisting non magical normal weapons?


  • enqenqenqenq Member Posts: 499
    Hm, where are you getting this info from? There are 5 different choices, and none of them grant resistance to physical damage. But yes, you can mix and match as you please, bear in mind however that if your character isn't already evil, one single evil choice will change your alignment to evil.
  • GazodGazod Member Posts: 35
    Ah ok, could you list the powers? cheers
  • KurumiKurumi Member Posts: 520
    edited December 2013
    You mean the 5 Tears of Bhaal, yes? - not the Bhaalspawn Powers..

    G: Immunity to +1 Weapons
    E: +2 CON

    G: +10 Magic Res., DEX-1
    E: +2 AC

    G: +2 to all Saves
    E: +15 HP

    G: 20% Cold, Fire and Electricity Res.
    E: 200000 XP

    G: WIS, CHA+1
  • GazodGazod Member Posts: 35
    Yeah i must of been reading something else. Maybe it was a mod or something, my bad.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    Kurumi said:

    You mean the 5 Tears of Bhaal, yes? - not the Bhaalspawn Powers..

    G: Immunity to +1 Weapons
    E: +2 CON

    G: +10 Magic Res., DEX-1
    E: +2 AC

    G: +2 to all Saves
    E: +15 HP

    G: 20% Cold, Fire and Electricity Res.
    E: 200000 XP

    G: WIS, CHA+1
    Wow I never knew what each trial associated with in the bonuses. That dex penalty actually seems pretty worth the magic resistance. Suddenly I only feel tempted by fear and wrath, as immunity to +1 is useless at that point and 2 strength and your primary stat is much better than wis and cha. If you are a cleric in need of wisdom you would get it anyway from the primary stat bonus
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    You're thinking of the 'Restored Bhaalspawn Powers' component of the BG2tweaks (?) mod for Throne of Bhaal, one of which is the 25% Physical Damage resistance.
  • TenreccTenrecc Member Posts: 265
    Is that from an old walkthrough, or the EE one? I heard that the +1 prim stat was removed in EE, although it was just what someone wrote on this forum (although a pretty reliable guy)
  • iavasechuiiavasechui Member Posts: 274
    Well technically if you want you can mix and match your Bhaalspawn powers, granted I'm pretty sure this requires micromanaging your alignment before each dream in BG1EE to get to the powers you want and then importing said character.
  • TenreccTenrecc Member Posts: 265

    Well technically if you want you can mix and match your Bhaalspawn powers, granted I'm pretty sure this requires micromanaging your alignment before each dream in BG1EE to get to the powers you want and then importing said character.

    Since the only alignment shift in the games comes from the Hell Tears, that would require cheating, and in that case, can't you just give your character all the powers you want anyway?
  • iavasechuiiavasechui Member Posts: 274
    XD I meant reputation not alignment. Pretty sure the bhaalspawn powers in BG1 are determined by reputation.
  • enqenqenqenq Member Posts: 499
    Naw, alignment. But anyway I'm pretty sure Gazod was asking about the tear rewards, not whether he can trade his 1d8 heal for a 1d4 life steal.
  • avocadoavocado Member Posts: 24
    Bhaalspawn powers in BG1 are dependent upon reputation, not alignment. Any character can get any power with careful watching of the reputation.
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    IIRC for the Bhaalspawn powers in BG1 if Rep is 10 or more you get "Good" powers, if 9 or less you get "Evil" Powers. You gain a power on resting early in each game chapter.

    2x Cure Light Wounds
    2x Slow Poison
    2x Draw Upon Holy Might

    2x Larloch's Minor Drain
    2x Ghoul Touch
    2x Vampiric Touch
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    i should note that you get Horror now, not ghoul touch.
  • victory_rosevictory_rose Member Posts: 72
    What I find weird is that if you create a new character in SoA, sometimes you get a mix of the Bhaalspawn powers. e.g. one Cure and one Larloch - admittedly I've only done this with Chaotic Neutral characters recently, so maybe you get the mix because you're at Rep 10 and right on the cusp of the good/evil reputation threshhold?
  • MoczoMoczo Member Posts: 236

    What I find weird is that if you create a new character in SoA, sometimes you get a mix of the Bhaalspawn powers. e.g. one Cure and one Larloch - admittedly I've only done this with Chaotic Neutral characters recently, so maybe you get the mix because you're at Rep 10 and right on the cusp of the good/evil reputation threshhold?

    Basically! If you are neutral the game just gives you a mix of the good and evil powers, I believe. If you import a character it just gives you whatever you had, but if you're making a new one it has to guess.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    Is it just me or does anyone else really miss DuHM when you reach Spellhold? Sure the Slayer form is uber powerful... but RP'ing Good means I almost never use it, and I lose some really useful innate abilities.

    My F/M suddenly could no longer compete with Anomen in terms of melee dmg output, let alone Minsc.
  • victory_rosevictory_rose Member Posts: 72
    Maybe I shouldn't confess this, but I almost never used DuHM - I just never remembered it's there, so when it's gone, I don't miss it. I do however often forget that the other powers are gone, and it sometimes takes a few seconds to remember why Cure Light Wounds isn't there when I try to use it. :)
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    I've always used Slow Poison the most because it's just such a quick poison cure, much easier than throwing potions around. I guess it's also because around the time you get it, there are spiders all over the place!
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