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Looting A Room Trick??

cloakanddaggercloakanddagger Member Posts: 111
Hey i'm not sure if this has been talked about at all yet; sorry if it has. But I remember when I was younger I found out online that you could hit a button on the keyboard at any time and see everything in a room that could be looted. Does anyone remember what this is? Similar experience? It could also just be a cheat, I was like 10 so CheatCC was like my favorite website at the time.


  • AliteriAliteri Member Posts: 308
    Hold tab (I think) to highlight containers - though it was exclusive to SoA, it should be coming to the original game officially now.
  • cloakanddaggercloakanddagger Member Posts: 111
    Ok. Yeah I thought it was something like that.
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