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I officially love Neera now (Wild Surge story and quest spoilers inside)

So I was basically prepping up some of Yoshimo's traps to fight Firkraag (Don't mind me, dude, just laying all these around your feet so you can die faster) and when I was ready to fight him, I had it all planned out in my head: I'd fake-talk/strike (I'm level 10, don't judge) with my Kensai PC, Minsc, and Jaheira at 3 different angles, have Aerie cast Breach, and Neera cast lower resistance.

The first bits of the plan came out fruitfully; my frontliners were doing some damage on Firkraag before he could react, when he did he took loads of damage from the traps. Aerie cast breach to remove his protections, and Neera was going to cast Lower Resistance... only for a cow to come out of the sky and smack the red dragon right in the face. Now, I was having a field day with this, so when my characters finally auto-attacked him to death, I was hardly noticing. Man, and to think I almost got rid of her for Edwin after her quest was done.


  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,250
    I love it! That's why Neera is the best.
  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    welcome to the wonders of wild magic
  • Mrpenfold666Mrpenfold666 Member Posts: 428
    events like this is why neera is my favorite NPC, if she was in original BG and some other NPC was made then there wouldn't be a new NPC to top the old ones, neera tops the other NPCs in my opinion.

    oh and do her quest, im not going to say what happens but....go there....NOW!
  • FlowFlow Member Posts: 21
    Wait until she evaporates all your gold and you notice it 2h later when you are done with a major quest... (not sure if it was her or the watchers keep room)
  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    @Flow: You just have to pay more attention. Cannot really blame anyone else for that.

    My favorite Neera moment so far: I was preparing for a big fight, so Neera, quite obviously, cast Stoneskin on herself. Wild surge. Next thing I notice: my whole group gets a Stoneskin. Couldn't have asked for anything better than that, really. The fight was a breeze.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    You may not be as fond of her if she surges again and drops a Pit Fiend on you. :)
  • GamingFreakGamingFreak Member Posts: 639

    @Flow: You just have to pay more attention. Cannot really blame anyone else for that.

    My favorite Neera moment so far: I was preparing for a big fight, so Neera, quite obviously, cast Stoneskin on herself. Wild surge. Next thing I notice: my whole group gets a Stoneskin. Couldn't have asked for anything better than that, really. The fight was a breeze.

    one time I tried casting magic missle on an enemy and she ended up casting minor globe of invulnerability on it and herself... kinda the opposite of what I wanted, if you think about it.
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    edited December 2013
    I played a wild mage through all of BG:EE and now I'm somewhere in the middle of BG2:EE and just did Neera's quest.

    So... I have two wild mages in my party now. Doesn't scare me :)

    I really liked Neera's quest so far. So much fighting to be done (even Dorn approved). Ridiculous amounts of enemies in one room in particular. Fortunately for me they did not like the old Greater Malison + Horror very much.

    In any case, unless you are doing some type of hardcore run where you are never allowed to reload the game, I don't really see what the big problem is with wild surges. The vast majority of the time the effects are just random and fun, and you can easily work with it. I think I've had 2 or 3 catastrophic reload-causing outcomes so far, and you have to remember that I played all of BG1+TotSC with my wild mage before even getting started on BG2. Not once did I lose any gold, but if I did, I'm sure I'd notice because wild surges are pretty obvious.

    Fun wild surge moments:
    - killing an ogre mage with a cow
    - color change in mid combat
    - attempting to color change the Demon Knight (I'm sad to report that he resisted)
    - dropping a cow on Jaheira in the middle of a tough fight
    - trying to summon spiders and getting a wild surge that... summoned creatures anyway
    - suddenly getting some random text that I never really understood mid-combat
    - I can't remember them all!

    Point is, it keeps the game interesting.
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    I got one with a full heal on the party when they just got ADHW on them all but it was while I had her casting it herself... So kinda even. I also had it happen twice that she exploded my team while in fights and once she made gems instead of buffing herself and went splat (chunked in one hit)...

    Random rogues chain chugging invis potions and backstabbing for 100 is very annoying lol, and this is in chapter 2...
  • CherudekCherudek Member Posts: 73
    ^ and this is why mages should always have stoneskin up ;)
  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    shawne said:

    You may not be as fond of her if she surges again and drops a Pit Fiend on you. :)

    Actually it's hilarious because I wanted her to summon a Planetar in one fight and imagine my surprise when instead of white gate I saw a fiery one forming :D

  • shrekdjshrekdj Member Posts: 50
    Lol officially?...and what I just read...fake talk still works?
  • Mrpenfold666Mrpenfold666 Member Posts: 428
    my favorite neera surge so far is a magic missile turned into 8 squirrels, i used these squirrels to attack and distract a bear while i healed my CHARNAME after taking a nasty critical hit, watching 8 squirrels....(i cant remember the phrase T_T) slowly kill the bear with little damage is very hilarious
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Lathlaer said:

    shawne said:

    You may not be as fond of her if she surges again and drops a Pit Fiend on you. :)

    Actually it's hilarious because I wanted her to summon a Planetar in one fight and imagine my surprise when instead of white gate I saw a fiery one forming :D

    I had that particular surge in Beregost, two seconds after meeting her. It was a memorable introduction that involved a lot of screaming and a lot of dying. :)
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    I just wish she surged more for me. I had her for about two thirds of my SoA run and she only naturally surged a handful of times, none of them severe, none of them more interesting than "Projectile Changed". Even when I spammed Nahal's for Freedom spells I didn't see anything more exciting than "Dizzy".
  • Mrpenfold666Mrpenfold666 Member Posts: 428
    i just had a surge from nahal dwemoer wanting a fireball, i got the fireball but after there was a giant Horus's eye hovering over neera, does anyone know what that mean?
  • sunset00sunset00 Member Posts: 310
    remember me when in BG1EE, near the end returning to the FF Scar headquarters to attack the bad dudes..the fight was going well too and suddenly..all hell broke loose (literally^), a pit daemon appeared from nowhere, wrecking havoc everywhere lol... 'Neeeeraaaaaaaaa' !? ^^ yeah, was her too.... costed almost the life of half the frontline crew, but well, i kept the save..was 'funny' too....or that other time when she threw a full skull trap..right on the party (and not on the target)...'boom' too (that time, there were some deads around.. */ ) ... :// ...but seriously, damn wild magics, i imagine a similar thing in the end of ToB with much more, how to say, dangerous lv8/9 spells..reliable, reliable magics, cool yes.. :///
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    Lol, Neera sex changed herself right after giving herself double HP last night and I had her cast tensor's using NRD since it wasn't memorized and step in as a front liner...
  • Mrpenfold666Mrpenfold666 Member Posts: 428
    do you think if a wild mage bhaalspawn died and the statue of him got turned to dust, do you think a wild surge could happen to bring himself back alive? XD (yes i know its probably impossible, but it would be funny)
  • JaeldynJaeldyn Member Posts: 49
    Squirrels. Squirrels everywhere. They keep watching me since she called them instead of farting like I asked her to do.
  • AlkaluropsAlkalurops Member Posts: 269
    edited December 2013
    I loved Neera after she
    [SPOILER]sex changed Ekandor.[/SPOILER]

    Not a huge fan of wild magic, but that was *awesome*.
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    Pantalion said:

    I just wish she surged more for me. I had her for about two thirds of my SoA run and she only naturally surged a handful of times, none of them severe, none of them more interesting than "Projectile Changed". Even when I spammed Nahal's for Freedom spells I didn't see anything more exciting than "Dizzy".

    Bad luck I guess. She surges plenty for me. I have two wild mages in my party and it's absolute chaos. Last night Neera got a quadruple surge. I'm not quite sure what actually happened, but there were strange colors and pretty lights, and some monsters did die as well.
  • Mrpenfold666Mrpenfold666 Member Posts: 428
    neera surges just when im getting frustrated, so its like she knows how to cheer me up XD
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    Speaking of wild mages, I wonder if caster level correctly goes above level 40 or if it caps at 40. Not that it really matters all that much at that point, but still :)
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