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Am i just stupid or what!

raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
My problem here is that i would like to be able to put posts in order by most replies or most viewed but some reason i cant find buttons for that so im feeling kinda dump :D but maby im not the only one. So is there buttons for that or not?


  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    well, i'm not as experienced on these boards as people who will come by later to answer your question, but i look at these boards as sort of a 'forum lite'. It was something that was put up quickly (but very well made) to give people a place to talk about a game that was near release. They didn't want to take away time from the work on the game, and once they finish, a week or so of rest, and then on to BG2: EE. Then i think they'll put up a forum/board with the bells and whistles like you're talking about.

    But i could be completely and 100% wrong. Just my 2 cents.
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    Thanks for those 2cents and that seems to be the case.
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