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You start a new game of BG:EE. What you do first?



  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    Watch the opening movie... Go ooh at the pretty new graphics.
    First this
    Dream said:

    Hit reroll a couple hundred times.

    this......and then scrap the char, and then this again......
    Then this...and this...and this

    IRT Topic
    Give a potion to a cow, book to old lady, sword to lazy guard, scroll to elf, beat up a dwarf, beat up some rats, beat up two assassins, beat up some monsters with some friends, talk to a pink chick, buy some stuff, talk to my dad, leave my castle, get him killed, run away, meet up with pink chick, kill some wolves, convince a guy to jump, kill some gibberlings, meet up with two loons and then set out to save and/or kill a whole bunch of people.
    AND finally this.
  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    ugh, quotes jsut...i havent quite figured out this forumt hing yet, BUT

    OT: Get to minsc ASAP >.>
  • nemesisnemesis Member Posts: 49
    edited August 2012
    Find and kill Noober in Nashkel.
  • lockmundlockmund Member Posts: 354
    Chat up Phlydia. What do you mean you can't remember us getting it on?
  • AlistuspalloAlistuspallo Member Posts: 13
    Probably starting 2-3 different characters, get proper rolls on them and then maybe after an hour or two of thinking I'll manage to decide what to play as.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    As a rule, the first thing I do is loot all of the chests that I can break open with my 18/?? strength, sell them to Winthrop, and buy myself the equipment I'll need to survive the journey to the Friendly Arm Inn and beyond. I tend to avoid the chests that are in view of the inn's residents, since getting caught by a guard is counterproductive to my goals of profit.

    Then I buy a crossbow quarrel, and make my way around the keep counterclockwise, which cuts down on backtracking significantly. I don't bother with the training room, since you don't get experience from it, but I do go into the infirmary and pick up the two potions that are in there.

    Sometimes I bring Firebead's scroll back to him; other times I keep the Identify scroll for myself, since I probably need it more than he does.

    Then I make a bee-line for Gorion, hoping I can make it to him before Imoen catches me (she always does, the guttersnipe!). After some quick dialogue, we make our way out of the keep, and from then on it's pretty straight-forward.

    If I'm in a hurry, I'll skip all the nonessential maps until after Nashkel; if I end up grabbing Minsc, I'll end up doing them anyway as a matter of course in my search for Dynaheir. But because this is the enhanced edition, I will probably recruit Neera and Resaad instead, and follow their respective quest-lines.

    Then to Nashkel, pick up Varscona from a deranged bounty hunter, and then finally carry on with the main quest.

    After Nashkel, I usually make my way to the places I haven't visited yet, collecting treasure and experience along the way that will help me when I finally head up to Baldur's Gate. I might do Durlag's tower now, or I might wait until after I've been to Ulgoth's Beard and heard about it in the story.

    But the first thing I'll do with BG:EE? Probably install it. ;)
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    Live on the edge... Take first roll and go with it! ...
  • spacejawsspacejaws Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 389
    *sips coffee*
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Favre said:

    The thing is you can't really be pure evil even if you want to. After all, at the end of the story, you ended up by helping everyone and saving the sword coast.

    I'm just wondering how the blackguard gonna fit in here.

    There's nothing inherently good about stopping a civil war that will likely get you killed. Especially since your brother and the assassins he's hired won't rest until you're dead.

    An Evil playthrough of BG1 is about self-preservation.
  • AtlanticAtlantic Member Posts: 44
    Choose whether my character is going to have Edwin or Eldoth's character portrait, before settling on Tiax's
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    This. I'll have a Flamestrike spell with his name on it.
    nemesis said:

    Find and kill Noober in Nashkel.

  • wissenschaftwissenschaft Member Posts: 229
    edited August 2012
    Murder Firebead Elvenhai so I can start at level 2/3 (depending on my class).

    What? I swear I'm not evil.
  • wariisopwariisop Member Posts: 163
    Much like everyone else, re-roll. Then get Viconia as soon as possible, the earlier the better so the computer doesn't waste her stats.
  • masterdesbaxtermasterdesbaxter Member Posts: 51
    Try and figure out how to do some multiplayer!
  • AntonAnton Member, Moderator, Mobile Tester Posts: 513
    Check out new Advanced Settings. >8-)
  • FavreFavre Member Posts: 33
    What's the deal whit Viconia? Everyone are praising her. She's good for the magic resist but beside that, she's just a cleric
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    @Favre: Unlike Yeslick, she's a single-class cleric, and unlike Branwen she has 19 Dexterity which helps her AC considerably. :)
  • FavreFavre Member Posts: 33
    Fair enough. Viconia it is!
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Just be warned if you're RPing with Good alignment: having her in your party comes with a permanent -2 to your reputation on account of her being a Drow...
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    There's enough quests to raise that reputation from 0 to 20 twice, and you can always donate to a church.

    I do think, however, that the real deal with Viconia is neither her dex nor her single-class cleric status, but that a friggin lot of fantasy nerds find her hawt. There aren't any threads about how Khalid should get a cooler portrait, but just look around for Viconia ;)
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,425
    shawne said:

    Just be warned if you're RPing with Good alignment: having her in your party comes with a permanent -2 to your reputation on account of her being a Drow...

    Refresh my mind on how that works, exactly. Are you able to pick her up, and then quest/donate more to get Reputation up to 19 or 20, or is it stuck on a max of 18 while she's in the group?

    And would the latter then indicate she would never bail out due to the reputation being too high?

  • JolanthusJolanthus Member Posts: 292

    There's enough quests to raise that reputation from 0 to 20 twice, and you can always donate to a church.

    I do think, however, that the real deal with Viconia is neither her dex nor her single-class cleric status, but that a friggin lot of fantasy nerds find her hawt. There aren't any threads about how Khalid should get a cooler portrait, but just look around for Viconia ;)

    Going by these forums, I must be the only person who liked Khalid and was saddened that he was killed off.
  • KerozevokKerozevok Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2012
    Apply a weidu patch to give a speed walk of 7 for all CRE (speed walk in BG1 is 5 and 10 for BG2), then edit a lot of files for change this and that... Playing ? One day.. But not the first day.
    Post edited by Kerozevok on
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    Aosaw said:

    As a rule, the first thing I do is loot all of the chests that I can break open with my 18/?? strength, sell them to Winthrop, and buy myself the equipment I'll need to survive the journey to the Friendly Arm Inn and beyond. I tend to avoid the chests that are in view of the inn's residents, since getting caught by a guard is counterproductive to my goals of profit.

    But the first thing I'll do with BG:EE? Probably install it. ;)

    is that before or after you download it? hehe, sorry, epic post, had to mess with you :)
  • SpartacusSpartacus Member Posts: 23
    I can't decide which class to be =( It used to take me hours to decide, with only the BG classes available. Now I have to decide between ToB classes too :'(

    I have always had two or three games going on simultaneously because I can never decide which class I like better. Maybe this time I can stick with just one! :)
  • trinittrinit Member Posts: 705
    1. decide class, alignment and stats, despair a bit about the portrait
    2. thoroughly check new gui and elements as seen in first few screens
    3. finish candlekeep area
    4. quit and swing moods between fury and depression, as i will be starting a new job that requires a lot of dedication and preparation, thus vampiring on my bg:ee time.
    5. visiting forums, despising other people that progress through the game
    6. comfort myself (in vain) that it is better that way, since i will be able to play the game with post release content

    i am a bit pissed about it even now :/
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    I have succesfully convinced my girlfriend to plan our holiday one day before the release date. Now I need to find some way to distract her while I spend two weeks bull-rushing through BG three or four times. Perhaps some other good games are coming out in that time period, I shall have to see. Regardless, add "play it like a ninja" to the earlier mentioned list.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    Drugar said:

    I have succesfully convinced my girlfriend to plan our holiday one day before the release date. Now I need to find some way to distract her while I spend two weeks bull-rushing through BG three or four times. Perhaps some other good games are coming out in that time period, I shall have to see. Regardless, add "play it like a ninja" to the earlier mentioned list.

    lol that might not have been smart, now when the game is released, you're going to be spending quality time with your loved one and looking at the bg:ee icon on your desktop thinking man.....just 5 mins......

    this is the voice of experience speaking, but hope you'll have better luck then me :D
  • KasonKason Member Posts: 30
    I'll return Phlydia's lost book.
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