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BGII:EE great..... but it would have been nice

First off: A revamp of BGII was much needed and EE for BG and BG2 has been very well done!

Its nice the encounters were left untouched --> especially so players are very aware of their power creep and high levels and abilities still have meaning unlike so many other rpgs

The new items are ok, but I always worry about arpg (diablo) -like stats creeping in to this classic crpg

This aside it would have been nice.....

- to have a load screen to choose which ee features you wanted to implement + launch mods from (i.e. toggles for each new npc, the old BG2 weapon specialization)

- a chance to add/remove/ change kits and weapon proficiency distribution with imported characters from BG:EE (ala old BG --> BG2). This might have made the game a little friendlier to new players, not quite happy with their original choices in BGEE who did not want to edit or roll a new character in BG2:EE. (This also would have preserved the old avenger bug which was pretty sweet!)

Anyone else have any "it would have nice(s)...."


  • ItstucktwiceItstucktwice Member Posts: 182
    While I certainly don't think it is a necessary feature, I agree that a screen that allows you do enable/disable certain options/aspects of the game would be a nice touch.

    However when it comes to the alterations to your character on importing, I have to respectfully disagree. The option was there originally only because the customization level in BG2 didn't exist in BG1. In the EE versions, both games use the same class/proficiency system, and so the process isn't needed.

    And now for mine: It would have been nice/it will be nice when we get a couple more new NPCs. I don't want the game flooded with new content, and I want them to take their time so that the NPCs are quality, but there is plenty of room for growth and expansion.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    @canivalbella the weapon specialization (proficiencies) system is that same from BG2, so it isn't needed to select all your skills again, and adding a more specific options screen was one of the things that I asked thousand times, but only because I am lazy of editing the baldur.ini, because I know well how to do so :D and I would like for more battles/encounters/quests/things to do outside battle to ToB, that misses lots of that type of stuff (so hardly that I completed ToB in 5 days while SoA took me 3 months for the first time).
    Maybe a setup.exe like the old BG2 has...
  • MitchforkMitchfork Member Posts: 390

    - a chance to add/remove/ change kits and weapon proficiency distribution with imported characters from BG:EE (ala old BG --> BG2). This might have made the game a little friendlier to new players, not quite happy with their original choices in BGEE who did not want to edit or roll a new character in BG2:EE. (This also would have preserved the old avenger bug which was pretty sweet!)

    This would have been nice for Rangers, since as it is you can't pick a BG2 racial enemy unless you start a new character in BG2.
  • elementelement Member Posts: 833
    I would agree about turning off the new content I know id have been happier if I could have just turned some of it off

    it would have been nice if they let you decide whether to gain full hp on leveling/always learn spells separate to the difficulty slider
  • canivalbellacanivalbella Member Posts: 9
    I agree that the .ini is pretty easy to adjust, but a great options screen with more toggles and mod support would have added so much polish to the revamped EE
  • taottaot Member Posts: 6
    Mitchfork said:

    This would have been nice for Rangers, since as it is you can't pick a BG2 racial enemy unless you start a new character in BG2.

    You pick your racial enemy again when you import a ranger to BG2EE.

  • MitchforkMitchfork Member Posts: 390
    taot said:

    Mitchfork said:

    This would have been nice for Rangers, since as it is you can't pick a BG2 racial enemy unless you start a new character in BG2.

    You pick your racial enemy again when you import a ranger to BG2EE.

    I imported character files to multiplayer and never got this option. It might only be set up for singleplayer imports, or savegame imports. Good that it wasn't totally ignored, though.
  • mylegbigmylegbig Member Posts: 292
    An option to toggle mods on and off would've been fantastic. Right now, you're in danger of breaking your game every time you install/uninstall a mod, and everything must be done in a specific order (and even then, things may get messy). Probably would've been a huge hassle to implement though.
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