Charisma all the way!

Not a too serious thread, as this suggestion is pretty darn game changing, but how about limiting the party size to CHARNAME's charisma. It is after all always CHARNAMe's quest everybody is going on.
OR some characters require a certain amount of charisma to even join your party.
This would make charisma the shit.
OR some characters require a certain amount of charisma to even join your party.
This would make charisma the shit.
A more reasonable implementation if so would be to make low levels of charisma work like a permanent negative luck effect, giving a -1 or -2 penalty for all party member rolls. This would punish making it a dump stat, but still not provide an automatic bonus just for rolling a paladin.
Include it in more quests to get better rewards or easier ways to get information. Tying it to party size is way too powerful, even if the difference would only be 1-2 partymembers in the end.