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warning!!! for those who whant dualclass assasin or bounty hounter/ mage as second class!!!

if planing to do this you shoud now that you you can't backstab with this classes they get penelty -5 to backstab and with assasin is max 2 and bounty 0-> that mine no back stab!!! man good that i test this befor i play with this class:/

Is it bag or it been than on perpos?
rest of thief combination get normal backstab bonuses


  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    It's a bug so just eekeeper the right multiplier back in.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    This is only for non-English versions I believe. It has been mentioned before.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    No, this applies in my English-language version too.
  • shrekdjshrekdj Member Posts: 50
    Same old. A buggy game yet no one notices it.
    I love the game but c'mon it's lacks the amount of bug fixing the old BG2 and BG2 Fixpack made it look in a way as good as a gem.
    C'mon Beta Team. How long is that wait? A year or two?
  • FrondFrond Member Posts: 121
    How do you EEKeeper backstab multipliers? I asked this question once before and no one seemed to know.
  • jukagajukaga Member Posts: 49
    abilities tab maybe? not at my gaming comp now so I cant tell you for sure
  • AnotherLifeAnotherLife Member Posts: 115
    shrekdj said:

    Same old. A buggy game yet no one notices it.
    I love the game but c'mon it's lacks the amount of bug fixing the old BG2 and BG2 Fixpack made it look in a way as good as a gem.
    C'mon Beta Team. How long is that wait? A year or two?

    Bugs like non-working Harper's call and memory leak that leads to broken savegame got through testing, so ... at least the latter got fixed fast. And active/inactive UI icons looking identical, heh.

    I mean you can hardly finish SoA without bumping into these stuff and still.
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    I'm assuming the testers hate Jaheira or play on a difficulty that doesn't require ressing ;) but I just use ctrl r to substitute for that one and don't use in combat.
  • shrekdjshrekdj Member Posts: 50

    shrekdj said:

    Same old. A buggy game yet no one notices it.
    I love the game but c'mon it's lacks the amount of bug fixing the old BG2 and BG2 Fixpack made it look in a way as good as a gem.
    C'mon Beta Team. How long is that wait? A year or two?

    Bugs like non-working Harper's call and memory leak that leads to broken savegame got through testing, so ... at least the latter got fixed fast. And active/inactive UI icons looking identical, heh.

    I mean you can hardly finish SoA without bumping into these stuff and still.
    The problem is no one wants to read or pay attention to the negative side of BG2:EE, the BUGS.
    It's great looking game and all of that other attractions are fine but how long the persistently lacking polish feel throughout the game should we tolerate?
    I have old BG2 which is brilliant and after spending over 7 years or so the EE part don't make much difference.
    Still, I purchased the game on the promising team that was working word on the bugs.
    Sadly, the pace is soo slow that within next few weeks I am planning to switch over GOG version with many mods and fixpack.
  • BackstabBackstab Member Posts: 12
    IT'S MY TIME TO SHINE! Reposting my answer to other similar problems, edited to remove faulty information.

    'As a workaround for those who don't want to wait for a fix or step away from dual-classing until then: Create an assassin character and level them until they get their additional backstab multipliers, save this character. Open both your bugged mage\thief and the new assassin in Keeper, go to affects, and 'Copy' the affect (0x0107) from the assassin. 'Paste' it on the affects page of your mage\thief and every instance should add X amount of backstab multiplier. This version might bug the backstab message and replace it with a blank message, if you exceed the maximum for instance, but any failed attempt will display appropriately. That said, on level-up you will see "Backstab multiplier increased by -X" (presumably the penalty of -5) but you really don't have to worry about that as the affect is permanent until you manually remove it from the affects menu. Of course, this means you can add as high a backstab multiplier as you want to any character at any level ignoring their thief-level-reliant multiplier (it will stack cumulatively). So you can drop it on a shadow dancer for game-breaking results. However when I was sleuthing this information up from ancient forums (at least when measured by activity) there was a mention that the character would need the innate ability to backstab first (Backstab multiplier x0), but I haven't tested this. If this is the case a ranger will be unable to enjoy the affect even though he has a stealth ability, or possibly just a fighter made invisible by spell or potion. I simply do not know. Feel free to test it out, I'm sure a backstabbing dwarven defender with an invisibility potion drinking problem would be humorous. '
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,963
    has this been reported in the bugs forum?
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164

    And active/inactive UI icons looking identical, heh

    That one actually drives me nuts sometimes, haha
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    My Swashbuckler/Mage don't seems to have its Backstab multiplier affected :D :P XD I AM KIDDDDDING!!!!
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