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Dragon scale armor bug anyone?

I've encountered the strangest bug yet...After I have my (black) dragon scale armor forged by Cromwell, if I open my inventory the game crashes. Is there an explanation/solution to this?


  • AnotherLifeAnotherLife Member Posts: 115
    Are you using any mods ?

    I would try removing the item with Shadow Keeper and seeing if that[s the problem. Then readding it might fix it.
  • EmptinessEmptiness Member Posts: 238
    I've been using the Shadow Dragon Scale without a problem for a while now.
  • goblin8goblin8 Member Posts: 11
    The problem is even worse than I thought, basically after I enter Cromwell's home The invenctory of my main character transform into a forbidden place that crashes everytime I try to open it up... I'm not running any mod, and found out that if I keep my distance from cromwell everything runs just fine but... I'm kind of annoyed from having to fight a huge monstruosity to get his skin and now not being able to do a thing with said skin! Guess I'll try messing with shadowkeeper and see if I can find a solution...
  • egonegon Member Posts: 94
    Avoid Cromwell and try adding the items you want with EEkeeper.
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    So... is this a known bug or what? I just gathered two sets of dragon scales and am going for the the hammer as well. I would be *really* disappointed if my game started exploding!

    Grats on beating the dragons *crash*
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    Forge worked without a hitch for me including the dragon armors. bugs section and submitting a savefile?
  • GamingFreakGamingFreak Member Posts: 639
    I've forged the armor on two different playthroughs (even using it for Valygar on one) and have encountered no problems on this.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Can you attach your saved game? This sounds like something related to the Underdark...
  • goblin8goblin8 Member Posts: 11
    Did not went to the underdark yet, I'll try to attach a save that shows what hapens as soon as possible!
  • goblin8goblin8 Member Posts: 11
    Came back to the damn dwarf to show what was wrong and the bug vanished, everything works fine now!
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