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(BG1) Murderous Angelo

WispWisp Member Posts: 1,102
edited November 2012 in Fixed
If you are captured by the Flaming Fist in chapter 7 and provoke Angelo, he will have one of your party members killed. Problem is, he will always try to kill Player2, even if Player2 is already dead. To remedy this issue, you can expand the logic in his dialogue to kill the first living one out of Player2–Player6.

<<<<<<<< .../fl/angelo.d ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER angelo 0 //Add "at least one member alive" check ~OR(5) InParty(Player6) InParty(Player5) InParty(Player4) InParty(Player3) InParty(Player2)~ DO 0 EXTEND_TOP angelo 0 #1 //Add "all members dead or non-existent" transition + ~!InParty(Player2) !InParty(Player3) !InParty(Player4) !InParty(Player5) !InParty(Player6)~ + #2144 UNSOLVED_JOURNAL #25459 + 4 END ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER angelo 1 //Only kill Player2 if there is a living one ~InParty(Player2)~ DO 0 EXTEND_BOTTOM angelo 1 //Add corresponding transitions for killing Player3–Player6 IF ~InParty(Player3) !InParty(Player2)~ DO ~StartCutSceneMode() Kill(Player3) SetGlobal("KillPC","GLOBAL",7) Dialogue([PC])~ EXIT IF ~InParty(Player4) !InParty(Player3) !InParty(Player2)~ DO ~StartCutSceneMode() Kill(Player4) SetGlobal("KillPC","GLOBAL",7) Dialogue([PC])~ EXIT IF ~InParty(Player5) !InParty(Player4) !InParty(Player3) !InParty(Player2)~ DO ~StartCutSceneMode() Kill(Player5) SetGlobal("KillPC","GLOBAL",7) Dialogue([PC])~ EXIT IF ~InParty(Player6) !InParty(Player5) !InParty(Player4) !InParty(Player3) !InParty(Player2)~ DO ~StartCutSceneMode() Kill(Player6) SetGlobal("KillPC","GLOBAL",7) Dialogue([PC])~ EXIT //safety block IF ~!InParty(Player6) !InParty(Player5) !InParty(Player4) !InParty(Player3) !InParty(Player2)~ DO ~StartCutSceneMode() SetGlobal("KillPC","GLOBAL",7) Dialogue([PC])~ EXIT END >>>>>>>> COMPILE ".../fl/angelo.d"

Bug originally found and fixed in BGT.
Post edited by Tanthalas on


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