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*Spoiler* Neera's quest : Save everyone

Can someone give a clear list of sidequests that have to be done to save every refugee after the red wizard attack?

I have found many topics but I still have the guy on bottom left cage (subject 34 if i remember) died and I do not understand what i have missed.

Here is the list of action I have done to save persons :
- Reginald : Do not fight him back
- Daxus : Give him Talisman
- Mum & son : Have find back his son and say him to not deny is power
- Mironda : Get the ale from Trademeet
- Zaviak : Free Wilson (not sure it was necessary)
- barad ding : get back the 8 cats
- Mereth : find hairband
- knocktor Give items to make talisman (not sure it was that who save him)
- king gram : dialog option i thinks



  • maerduinmaerduin Member Posts: 21
    Subject 34 is someone who hadn't been in the camp, so there's nothing you can do to prevent his death.
  • ArcanisArcanis Member Posts: 377
    Zaviak & Knocktor survive regardless of their Quests, I'm not sure about Daxus tbh.
    King Grams survival depends on how you talk to him in the cage, but I have not managed
    to get him killed yet (aside from accidental blasting him with a fireball) so I'm not sure about
    him too.

    That reminds me.. about Barad, how do you get the extra reward? It seems a bit random
    (got it in 2 from 5 tries.. not sure what I did differently @_@)
  • SquallSquall Member Posts: 13
    Do you guys, or any of the mods, know any command to reset Reginald or something? I'm asking this because I've done all the camp quests and screwed and fought Reginald and now he only says he doesnt wanna fight back, so he'll be the only guy I cant save from the enclave.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Arcanis said:

    Zaviak & Knocktor survive regardless of their Quests, I'm not sure about Daxus tbh.
    King Grams survival depends on how you talk to him in the cage, but I have not managed
    to get him killed yet (aside from accidental blasting him with a fireball) so I'm not sure about
    him too.

    That reminds me.. about Barad, how do you get the extra reward? It seems a bit random
    (got it in 2 from 5 tries.. not sure what I did differently @_@)

    Maybe its just random. Like a wild surge.
  • I think it has to do with the dialogue options you choose, I only got the reward once in my two playthroughs. Maybe there's a Cha or Int requirement? Another thought is that I was playing a sorcerer the time I got the reward, and a ranger the time I didn't. Maybe only Mage types are eligible?
  • AcridSyphilisAcridSyphilis Member Posts: 129
    I think it might be mage type. My mage/thief obtained the reward, but my next playthrough of an Avenger druid I did not.
  • ninjasamninjasam Member Posts: 7
    Squall said:

    Do you guys, or any of the mods, know any command to reset Reginald or something? I'm asking this because I've done all the camp quests and screwed and fought Reginald and now he only says he doesnt wanna fight back, so he'll be the only guy I cant save from the enclave.

    I guess you can try CluaConsole:SetGlobal("OHN_REGI_PLOT","Global",0) but I did not test. Try various value instead of the 0 if it does not work, or use eekeeper to remove the variable.
  • SquallSquall Member Posts: 13
    Thanks for your answer, will try and leave some feedback here.
  • SquallSquall Member Posts: 13
    I've tried it and it doesnt work, even with other numbers, it gives the following message:
    lua: indexed expression not a table
    Active Stack:
    Active Stack:

    I'm not to familiar with the eekeeper to change quests, I've only used it to change characters, when you say use it to remove the variable, what variable are you refering too?

  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    I have a problem with Reginald. Apparently my unmodified AC is too high for him (it's 10 - 4 for dex). He manages to hit me twice but not more before he loses interest and when I try to talk to him, he responds "You will not finish the job?" as if I was hitting him back (which I didn't).
  • @Lathlaer When he started doing that with me, I just left and came back later, at which point he seemed to think I'd taught him a lesson or something rather than just getting bored.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    @LiamEsler or @Dee (if all the devs are out already), a bit of help plz, Reginald in Neera's Camp always says "you won't finish the job" to me, even when i don't react or hit him back. So what can i do to solve this bug? And CLUAConsole command for this?
  • For what it's worth, he said the same thing to me but I was still able to rescue him later.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    I found it later as a truth @Cyteen.
  • ou_deisou_deis Member Posts: 13
    Are the side-quests worth doing for their own sake? I naively went ahead and triggered the red wizard attack before going back to the camp to complete the quests... and now that I've finished Neera's quest and a bunch of other time-released quest things that were forced on me I don't feel like going back and redoing those battles. Wish there were a mod solution; oh well.
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    A few of the side quests gave me items I'd use all the time, such as a +2 amulet of protection and a 3 charge per day healing potion...
  • foster79foster79 Member Posts: 30
    ou_deis said:

    Are the side-quests worth doing for their own sake? I naively went ahead and triggered the red wizard attack before going back to the camp to complete the quests... and now that I've finished Neera's quest and a bunch of other time-released quest things that were forced on me I don't feel like going back and redoing those battles. Wish there were a mod solution; oh well.

    You can get some interesting items out of it but none of them are super-necessary. A +2 amulet, a recharging healing potion, and an item that dispels sleep are the only ones I can think of offhand. The others just give you exp or bad potions.
  • DarkExcalibur42DarkExcalibur42 Member Posts: 10
    On this topic, I think I might have blown up a cat via one of the traps in the Wild Forest....

    I tried creating a cat, but it doesn't work with the food. Does anyone know the console command for a cat quest item or some similar way I can fix this?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited December 2013
    @DarkExcalibur42 There's an item called 'ohncat.itm', which is the cat as an item in your backpack. I presume that for each one of these that is in your bag when you transition from the wild forest to the camp, it will spawn a cat that runs to Barad and increments whatever variable looks for how many cats you've rescued. I did a quick look with EE Keeper and didn't see a variable that looked likely, but I didn't have any saves where I'd started but not finished that quest. I'd suggest using EE Keeper to put a cat in your bag while you're in the forest, and then going into the camp to see what happens.

    Edit: It looks like the cat in creature form is 'ohncat.cre' that the one you tried to spawn?
  • DarkExcalibur42DarkExcalibur42 Member Posts: 10
    edited December 2013
    I just tried to spawn "cat" but that was not effective. I'm hoping "ohncat" will be the CLUAConsole name to create the item.


    EDIT: Excellent!!! I spawned a cat, CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("OHNCAT") and it worked perfectly. The resulting cat responded to the cat food and returned to my inventory, so that returning to the hide-out spawned a cat and completed the quest. THANKS!

    Now if I could only figure out Reginald's deal. I've tried letting him hit me but it doesn't seem to work.
    Post edited by DarkExcalibur42 on
  • egonegon Member Posts: 94
    Bumping this a bit. Does anyone know if there's any difference if I save Wilson before or after I complete Neera's questline? The reason I'm asking is that I currently have both Hexxat and Neera (just until I finish their quests) and I don't feel like picking up Raseed just yet.

    So, do I miss out on anything if I wait a while to save Wilson?
  • TidusTidus Member Posts: 86
    if you don't 'introduce' Wilson to Zaviak, he dies in the red wizard's enclave's quest...

    PS: has anyone got the shield of Fyrus Khal? I just rescued everybody, both Kirik and Amanis are safely back to the Hidden Refuge but I wasn't rewarded with it...
  • egonegon Member Posts: 94
    @Tidus What do you mean? Do I have to go and find Wilson to save Zaviak or will Wilson die if I don't introduce him to Zaviak? I'm not good with the quest names so I'm not sure which quest is the "red wizard's enclave's quest".
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    egon said:

    @Tidus What do you mean? Do I have to go and find Wilson to save Zaviak or will Wilson die if I don't introduce him to Zaviak? I'm not good with the quest names so I'm not sure which quest is the "red wizard's enclave's quest".

    You can't get the best ending for neera a quest if Wilson is not in your party during the quest.
  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    Huh? I'm pretty sure you don't need Wilson to save Zaviak. I never bothered to find him and it turned out ok for the mage.
  • TidusTidus Member Posts: 86
    zaviak is the guy in the north-east corner of the camp that gives you the 'where's Wilson' quest. if you don't get rasaad and save Wilson from the Two-Folders you don't get a particular set of potions from him once you save the wild mages from the red wizard in Waukeen's Promenade...

    this is my first playthrough with a fighter/wizard and I did everything right so he is still kicking, but both my kensai and my inquisitor found Zaviak dead within his cell in the red wizard's lair in Athkatla (and both had saved Wilson already, just never bothered going back to the Hidden Refuge and talk to Zaviak with the bear along)... maybe is a class/level/roll thing?
  • egonegon Member Posts: 94
    GUess I'm off to Trademeet then. Jan will have to sit this one out...
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    He's not missing much... But some banter on wild-magic enhanced turbo-turnips from the wild forest would be fun! :)
  • egonegon Member Posts: 94
    BTW, I keep reading that you can recieve a cat as a reward. Is that from a later Neera quest or do you have to do something before you save the wild mages?
  • MoczoMoczo Member Posts: 236
    egon said:

    BTW, I keep reading that you can recieve a cat as a reward. Is that from a later Neera quest or do you have to do something before you save the wild mages?

    If the above discussion is right (and my experience says yes) you only get the cat if your charname is a mage or sorceror.
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