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(BG1) Crazy mages say the darndest things

WispWisp Member Posts: 1,102
edited November 2012 in Fixed
If you accept Dradeel's quest to find his spell book and talk to him again, he will once more say part of his initial introduction, instead of asking if you have found the book yet. Additionally, if you decline his quest and talk to him again he is supposed to ask you to please reconsider, but the state never comes up because the relevant variable is never set.

<<<<<<<< .../fl/dradeelquest.d ADD_STATE_TRIGGER dradee 6 ~Global("DraQuest","GLOBAL",0)~ ADD_TRANS_ACTION dradee BEGIN 27 END BEGIN 0 END ~SetGlobal("DraUnquest","GLOBAL",1)~ >>>>>>>> COMPILE ".../fl/dradeelquest.d"

Bug originally found and fixed in BGT.
Post edited by Tanthalas on


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