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Mac EasyTutu Help?

LRECLREC Member Posts: 68
I'm using Crossover Games to run Baldur's Gate and BG2. The problem is the mouse scrolling on BG1 is messed up, so I'd like to use EasyTutu to fix it. I had it running a year ago, but now I can't get it to work, and I'm not sure where to go.

Macready (the developer of Easytutu) said that one requirement is .NET Framework 3.5, which I have installed. I'm wondering if there is anything else that he didn't mention. They could be obscure; I have to manually install little programs into each bottle in Crossover Games.

Right now, when I try to run the EasyTutu setup file, I get "EasyTutu has encountered a problem and needs to close, we are sorry for the inconvenience, etc."

Any help would be great!
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