Likewise, I have a young daughter, so sitting in the study playing games on the computer isn't going to happen.. but pick it up anywhere anytime on the iPad, hell yeah!
I like Overhaul's stated ambitions, but I'd be extremely surprised if this game ran well on the original iPad. Solely because I've seen other big ports from other devs crash and burn there.
Games from EA and Firaxis run fine on the iPad2 but experience a host of issues on the original iPad. It's pessimistic, but I can't see how Overhaul is going to be any different.
I like Overhaul's stated ambitions, but I'd be extremely surprised if this game ran well on the original iPad. Solely because I've seen other big ports from other devs crash and burn there.
Games from EA and Firaxis run fine on the iPad2 but experience a host of issues on the original iPad. It's pessimistic, but I can't see how Overhaul is going to be any different.
So...I know this is probably premature but I heard BG 2 was also in the works for IPad as well. Any idea if that will work on the 1st gen IPad too? I hope they are running the same engine and are both compatible. Mine is going strong and I have had no crashing issues with the newer games. I am Really looking forward to these two games as I missed both of them before.
Okay, you're crazy? Because it's not a matter of faith. It's a matter of the original iPad having a weaker processor and less memory than the iPad 2.
I'm not saying this out of spite, but from experience. If you browse the App store, you'll see scores of big games that do not run well on the original iPad. That's not, strictly speaking the developer's fault. They have only so many man hours to devote to optimization, after all.
@jonmichaels It goes without saying that BGEE isn't the original game.
It includes new art, new sound, and large portions of the codebase have been reworked. This thing is weighing in at 3 gigs, which is a *huge* footprint on a tablet. (Even the patchd GOG version is something like 2 gigs.)
Look at it this way: Would you expect a game released in 2012 to run well on old (arbitrarily, let's say 2008) hardware? Same kind of idea.
The original iPad has a single core CPU, half the RAM, and an older version of the OS. Why would anyone expect a big, brand new spanking game to run flawlessly on it?
Seriously trying not to be a downer here -- just suggesting people temper their expectations.
Despite Overhaul's good intentions, I don't expect them to spend much development time optimizing their product for a platform which is, more or less, outdated.
@The_Once_Ler yes, BG1 is running in BG2's engine, so BG2 will work as well.
Good to hear! Time to start putting some of those 64 gigs to use (I don't care if it is 3 gigs as long as performance is not sacrificed)! Thanks for the insight. Hopefully Trent and Co. can confirm as well?
Here are the original Baldur's Gate specs from Wikipedia:
166 MHz CPU, 16 MB RAM, 2 MB video card RAM, 4X CD-ROM drive, DirectX 5.0, 300 MB available hard disk space, Windows 95
And BG2 specs from Wikipedia:
233 MHz Pentium II (or compatible) CPU, 32 MB RAM, 4 MB DirectX-certified video card, DirectX-certified sound card, 4x CD-ROM drive, DirectX 7.0, 750 MB available hard disk space, Windows 95, Keyboard, mouse
Those are minimums. BG2 probably recommended 64MB RAM. Those processors where single core back then. If the minimum for BG2 was 233MHz the recommended was probably in the 500MHz range.
The first gen iPad has 256MB RAM. An ARM processor is a very different beast from a Pentium---for one thing it's meant to run A LOT cooler and pull a lot less power. But still the original iPad is a 1GHz single core processor. And the video card is vastly superior to the 4MB minimum card on BG2.
If Trent says it's "working pretty good" on a first gen iPad, I'm tempted to believe him.
@jonmichaels I'll say it again: BGEE is not the original game. Posting Win95 specs from 1998 isn't relevant, and worse, makes no sense in this context.
All I'm suggesting is that everyone take broad responses like "Yep, should work fine" (see the very first response to the thread) with a very large grain of salt. Because from what I've seen in the App store, things like "working pretty good" can have very broad definitions.
No it is not the original game. However they have said the contract was that the original game must play as the original other than adding the new characters. They couldn't change text, music, voice-overs, or anything. The original game could load each area into 16MB of RAM and BG2 could load each area into 32MB of RAM.
Yes the new game has a fixed up code base. Yes the new game supports various modern compressed audio formats like MP3 and Ogg Vorbis. However the added portion of the game (other than the new characters) are new areas that didn't exist in the original game. 1400 lines of new dialog for those new characters and new areas. New graphics and new score for those areas.
So I have to imagine that since it's based on the BG2 engine, we're still looking at something that can load a playable area into something in the range of 32MB of RAM. The original iPad has plenty of horsepower to handle the modest requirements of BG2. We also have Creative Director of the game saying it works. So I'm not understanding why you're insisting it doesn't.
I really hope it works well on the iPad 1st gen. I have noticed that, since the last iOS update, the iPad runs REALLY slow, however, games seem to run OK. It's mainly slow to respond to keyboard input, slow to open files within some apps. I am also hoping that now, with the later ship date, saves will be cross compatible between devices on day one.
To be clear: we ARE supporting the 1st gen iPad. We have one in the office and test on it regularly - it is updated to the latest version of iOS it can handle as well (5.1.1).
Just flat out it won't look as nice on it as it will on the iPad mini, 2, 3 or 3.5, but, it works.
The biggest difference you'll notice is the zoom - on the other iPads, it uses a nice filtering algorithm that makes everything look pretty and smooth. The iPad 1 won't have that, just due to technical limitations.
@Nathan, If you are going to play on the PC and sometimes on the Ipad would you with an ipad Mini or the new full size ipad? Planned to buy the big one today but after holding the mini in the store, I really want that one. It was out of stock so I am still debating.
@Nedzzo totally a matter of personal preference. I'm a fan of the bigger ipad as for my purposes it's more functional, but a few of the guys at the office prefer the mini for the size/weight.
I think I like it as well, but no retina display is a deal breaker for me - I'm going to wait until the mini generation 2, myself.
@Nathan waiting for 2nd gen ipad mini is the smart thing. I don't think I am that patient though. I will mostly play on the pc and just do the ipad thing once the cloud save thing is working. Mostly mini ipad will be for email and web surfing. If the big one was a bit lighter and thinner I would go for that.
This was probably just an oversight, as it was promised. In the meanwhile, if you're iPad is jail broken, you can try to spoof your iOS version, which I have done on my jail broken iPad 2 using 5.1.1, and I'm downloading it now. Just make sure to put the version back, cause it messes up the App Store. Bring up the BG:EE link in your App Store, then follow these instructions, go back to your App Store, and download. Or wait for the fix, up to you...
Games from EA and Firaxis run fine on the iPad2 but experience a host of issues on the original iPad. It's pessimistic, but I can't see how Overhaul is going to be any different.
I'm not saying this out of spite, but from experience. If you browse the App store, you'll see scores of big games that do not run well on the original iPad. That's not, strictly speaking the developer's fault. They have only so many man hours to devote to optimization, after all.
It includes new art, new sound, and large portions of the codebase have been reworked. This thing is weighing in at 3 gigs, which is a *huge* footprint on a tablet. (Even the patchd GOG version is something like 2 gigs.)
Look at it this way: Would you expect a game released in 2012 to run well on old (arbitrarily, let's say 2008) hardware? Same kind of idea.
The original iPad has a single core CPU, half the RAM, and an older version of the OS. Why would anyone expect a big, brand new spanking game to run flawlessly on it?
Seriously trying not to be a downer here -- just suggesting people temper their expectations.
Despite Overhaul's good intentions, I don't expect them to spend much development time optimizing their product for a platform which is, more or less, outdated.
166 MHz CPU, 16 MB RAM, 2 MB video card RAM, 4X CD-ROM drive, DirectX 5.0, 300 MB available hard disk space, Windows 95
And BG2 specs from Wikipedia:
233 MHz Pentium II (or compatible) CPU, 32 MB RAM, 4 MB DirectX-certified video card, DirectX-certified sound card, 4x CD-ROM drive, DirectX 7.0, 750 MB available hard disk space, Windows 95, Keyboard, mouse
Those are minimums. BG2 probably recommended 64MB RAM. Those processors where single core back then. If the minimum for BG2 was 233MHz the recommended was probably in the 500MHz range.
The first gen iPad has 256MB RAM. An ARM processor is a very different beast from a Pentium---for one thing it's meant to run A LOT cooler and pull a lot less power. But still the original iPad is a 1GHz single core processor. And the video card is vastly superior to the 4MB minimum card on BG2.
If Trent says it's "working pretty good" on a first gen iPad, I'm tempted to believe him.
@jonmichaels I'll say it again: BGEE is not the original game. Posting Win95 specs from 1998 isn't relevant, and worse, makes no sense in this context.
All I'm suggesting is that everyone take broad responses like "Yep, should work fine" (see the very first response to the thread) with a very large grain of salt. Because from what I've seen in the App store, things like "working pretty good" can have very broad definitions.
Yes the new game has a fixed up code base. Yes the new game supports various modern compressed audio formats like MP3 and Ogg Vorbis. However the added portion of the game (other than the new characters) are new areas that didn't exist in the original game. 1400 lines of new dialog for those new characters and new areas. New graphics and new score for those areas.
So I have to imagine that since it's based on the BG2 engine, we're still looking at something that can load a playable area into something in the range of 32MB of RAM. The original iPad has plenty of horsepower to handle the modest requirements of BG2. We also have Creative Director of the game saying it works. So I'm not understanding why you're insisting it doesn't.
Just flat out it won't look as nice on it as it will on the iPad mini, 2, 3 or 3.5, but, it works.
The biggest difference you'll notice is the zoom - on the other iPads, it uses a nice filtering algorithm that makes everything look pretty and smooth. The iPad 1 won't have that, just due to technical limitations.
Planned to buy the big one today but after holding the mini in the store, I really want that one. It was out of stock so I am still debating.
I think I like it as well, but no retina display is a deal breaker for me - I'm going to wait until the mini generation 2, myself.