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Make it possible to import/create lvl 1 characters into BGII:EE

First of - thanks for making these games, amazing!

Second - would it be considered to add the option to import or create lvl 1 characters into BGII:EE?

I played through BGI:EE in a multiplayer mode so that I could create my own party. I imported 5 of those into BGII:EE and since they are all above 89000 xp from BGI:EE playthrough its all fine and dandy. Now I would like to create a sixth character without having it boosted to 89000 xp.

Call me old fashioned but I just enjoy carving my own characters from scratch.


  • WanderonWanderon Member Posts: 1,418
    edited December 2013
    Create the character in BGEE - export in Candlekeep (level 1) - copy the character to character folder in BG2 - (I just copied my entire character folder from BGEE to BG2EE)

    Then choose the character from the list of characters that show up at the top of the screen on the first create character screen using the play option (as opposed to the create/import option) - the character will be at whatever level you exported them.

    (if you use the create/import option they will show up at 89K experience if the export is less than that)
  • BoxrainmanBoxrainman Member Posts: 17
    uh! Testing when I get home - thank you sir :)
  • BoxrainmanBoxrainman Member Posts: 17
    Woot, lvl 1 necro in party :)
  • RealReal Member Posts: 68
    He'll catch up quick, considering that 89k exp isn't much in BG2 :P
  • BoxrainmanBoxrainman Member Posts: 17
    Yea it went pretty fast - lvl 6 now and havent played more than 2 sessions :)
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