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Help...watchers keep! Missing 3rd gem for scepter of radiance

So I cleared and looted all the maze rooms and killed aesgarath at the end but have yet to get the 3rd gem. I backtracked as well to see if I missed a drop. Didn't find anything. I can't get to next level now. What to do?


  • acw18acw18 Member Posts: 62
    If I remember correctly, 1 gem is with aesgareth and the other 2 are with the two demon lords on that level. If you follow the yakmans poetry in his journal exactly you should meet both demons. The poem can be confusing, so read it carefully. Hope this helps
  • fish0331fish0331 Member Posts: 197
    I killed the demons...backtracked and searched area again as well as cleared all rooms. Used a walkthrough with maps so it should of been thorough...
  • acw18acw18 Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2013
    Well, I can't say for certain what you may have missed but, I'd recommend going back to the compass room and going this route:


    My guess is, you may have missed one of the demons, or its on one of their bodies.
  • DeltharisDeltharis Member Posts: 124
    I think there was some container added by mods that made items put into it not register as held by the party. Maybe something like that?

    It's a long shot, but otherwise there is no magical solution. You either missed it (and going by routes walkthroughs give surely walk you through where you needed to be, remember quickloot has limited range) or you dropped it somewhere else and forgot about it (sold on the shopping trip for example?). If nothing works cheats (thorugh console or EEKeeper) will have to do.
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    The gems are indeed with the two demon lords and the cambion.

    I'd suggest you backtrack once again and focus on these rooms. Did a character die anywhere? Akso a good place to search... :)
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    edited December 2013
    I got lost in there too. You basically gotta complete the Blood War quest, by either killing the Tanar'ri for the Baatezu, or killing the Baatezu for the Tanar'ri.

    It is a stretch to call my my LP a 'walkthrough' lol... but at least you can see the two battles where I obtained the 2 gems from the Tanar'ri and the Baatezu, and so see the two rooms you need to find.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    You can get past the Tanar'ri without killing them? They attacked me on sight... do you have to be non-good?
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959

    It depends on who u speak to first. If u speak to the Baatezu first, the Tanar'ri will attack on sight (as in my case), if u speak to the Tanar'ri first, and agree to kill the Baatezu for them, then the Baatezu will attack on sight.

    You do not need to kill both groups, but I did it anyway. Notice that I was able to attack the Baatezu with full preparation, but was forced to defend myself vs the Tanar'ri immediately.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    @Heindrich1988 On my last playthrough I walked into the Tanar'ri room first and they attacked on sight before I had spoken to the Baatezu. I reloaded and went back and after getting the quest they still attacked on sight but were extra angry to boot. But perhaps there's a way to pass both peacefully...
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    I'm not sure, that sounds like a bug. If both groups attack on sight, you cannot complete the Blood War quest. My Charname is Lawful Neutral, encase alignment has anything to do with it.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    @Heindrich1988 It could be. The Baatezu didn't attack on sight, though, only the Tanar'ri (whether or not I had the quest) so I could finish the quest but I couldn't choose who to side with. My last character was CG so I wondered if that had something to do with it.

    In any case I'm trying to reach Aesgareth without gaining too much exp so I'll be trying a stealth approach if possible. If worst comes to worst and the demons attack I'll just cross my fingers and run.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959

    Hmm... It would seem a bit odd if the Baatezu 'tolerate' a CG character more than the Tanar'ri. Tanar'ri are Demons, which are CE. Baatezu are 'Devils', and are LE, so actually the Baatezu are the polar opposite alignment to your Charname, even more so than the Tanar'ri.

    You have to get the gem from both groups somehow, so unless you can pick-pocket it, you are gonna have to kill at least one of the groups.

    Defensive Spell Sequencers saved my ass from the Tanar'ri.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    @Heindrich1988 Yeah, I thought it was weird too. It's probably a bug though, if other people have been able to speak to the Tanar'ri. I've reinstalled since so maybe it's gone now. *crosses fingers*

    You don't need a completed sceptre of radiance to reach Aesgareth, right? Only to pass on into the next room with the Machine? I just want to do a quick raid for his deck of cards (maybe by pickpocketing it) and then come back later to actually clear the keep. The demons will be dealt with eventually...
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959

    Oh, yes, you are right. You do not need to kill the demons to get to the Cambion. I actually stumbled into him before I found any gems. (I was horribly lost in the maze, lol)
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