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Most difficult Mage Solo



  • LathlaerLathlaer Member Posts: 475
    edited December 2013
    Problem with haste is that AFAIK all your buffs are dispelled as soon as you enter dead magic zone.

    Well then - I don't remember if Rakshasa use Death Spell or something similar, but summoning elementals (yes, it's risky and would require some luck) and casting haste on them. would be the way to go. And hope for the best. And about the swords - I could've sworn my Neera had it before speaking to Aran Linvail. Maybe a random drop.
  • Edwin_OdesseironEdwin_Odesseiron Member Posts: 226
    They don't cast Death Spell. A singular Rakshasa isn't so bad. Skeleton Warriors can deal with them. It's a problem when there is more than one, such as for the Trademeet quest.

    Also, yes, you can sometimes get lucky and a creature drops it. But I cannot base a playthrough on luck, especially since a solo like this requires planning in advance. If I get the scroll earlier, then that is great.. But I am not expecting it to happen.

    So far though, I am not needing it. The Transmuter has all sorts of tricks up his sleeve, I've found. Which is why it got me to thinking the Abjurer would be screwed without the Alteration spells I've been utilising. They could deal with things, of course, but they'd have to rest after almost every encounter, I think.

    Abjurers like to sleep.
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741

    Rakshasa actually use magical damage, which would destroy the swords. Besides, the scroll itself is first attainable post-Spellhold, after you turn into a Drow.

    And yes, I'll probably venture into the keep to see how far I can get. From memory, can't you just run past the dead magic zones (casting haste and/or invisibility to improve your chances beforehand)? There may be one or two of them that you can't, though. In which case, there are other ways to get around it. Either via polymorph self before entering the zones, or Shapechange (I most certainly will not be entering the keep without that spell.)

    I'm pretty sure you can get mordy's sword as a random drop/pickpocket in chapter 2 because I had 2 copies before spell hold this time.
  • Alesia_BHAlesia_BH Member Posts: 784
    I'm glad to hear you're making good progress Edwin.

    Allowing reloads and without tactical mods transmuters are capable. However, the Abjuration school becomes increasingly important as the difficulty of the gaming context increases. Even with Tactics (parts) and the Questpack installed, Alastria was nearly reload free up until the end of SoA. Life didn't get difficult for her until she reached the Ascension Tougher Battles encounters.

    Running a transmuter in an SCS-Ascension solo no reload would be a formidable challenge. Having soloed SCS-Ascension with a beastmaster, an unkitted cleric, and a jester, amongst others, I suspect that the transmuter build would be one of the most difficult to no reload.


  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    You don't have to kill the rakshasa. It's easier to kill the djinn, and that's the route I normally take.
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    nano said:

    You don't have to kill the rakshasa. It's easier to kill the djinn, and that's the route I normally take.

    Those rakshasa are pretty nuts with SCS and the enclosed space especially since they throw death cloud.
  • Serg_BlackStriderSerg_BlackStrider Member Posts: 211


    Well, a surprising discovery I've made is that Transmuters are not anywhere as weak as I first thought. Using stoneskin, Melf's Minute Meteors, a few skeleton warriors and of course, polymorph self, it is not a terrible solo class. Not to mention useful utility spells like slow, haste, and knock.

    But then, any mage could use the above except the Abjurer. I'm beginning to think that for solo purposes, Abjurer just might be weakest. An Abjurer would have to get to a stupidly high level to deal with even menial encounters. As an example, I've just finished the Trademeet quests with my Transmuter, and I am wondering how on earth I would have dealt with the Rakshasa if it wasn't for Melf's Meteors. It's not a matter of lowering their magic resistance, since they have none.. The issue with them is the fact that they are immune to spells lower than level 9 (could be 8), I believe. If I was an Abjurer, I'd just have to skip them altogether, I suppose.

    I don't think Abjurers are that bad (and I'm thinking to try Abjurer someday, not solo though). And they _could_ use Melf's Minute Meteors (Evocation, Alteration) as well as some other *dual-school* spells: Fire Shield (Blue)/(Red) (Evocation, Alteration), Lower Resistance (Abjuration/Alteration), Spellstrike (Abjuration/Alteration). The last two spells are quite interesting as they belong to both opposite schools simultaneously...
    They indeed lack Polymorph Self though and that could be a problem sometimes (usually I use it only vs Beholders).
  • BronxHBronxH Member Posts: 18
    The dual-school is only an informative thing, the game can apply only 1 school to a spell, usually the first in the description like in the case of Lower Resist: it is an Abjuration/Alteration spell but classed as an Abjuration spell by the game, therefore prohibited for Transmuters.
  • Serg_BlackStriderSerg_BlackStrider Member Posts: 211
    BronxH said:

    The dual-school is only an informative thing, the game can apply only 1 school to a spell, usually the first in the description like in the case of Lower Resist: it is an Abjuration/Alteration spell but classed as an Abjuration spell by the game, therefore prohibited for Transmuters.

    Just checked that and you are right, indeed. Poor Transmuters...

  • UlvarylUlvaryl Member Posts: 217
    edited January 2014
    Hi there.
    As i read from this topic u did some "well-documented runs on other forums".
    So can i get some links?
    I ve started my first hardcore run recently and i think i could use ur experience in several ways.
  • Edwin_OdesseironEdwin_Odesseiron Member Posts: 226
    Indeed, Abjurers can use Melf's Minute Meteors. As for the Polymorph self thing, that would be a problem, at least in the lower levels, as I've said, until you can summon things like Mordekainen's sword. As I've mentioned, Abjurers are fine as long as they sleep a lot. Not having long-duration protection spells, they have to live on a combat-to-combat basis.

    However, one thing worth mentioning also is the Cloak of the Sewers. It enables to polymorph into a mustard jelly (arguably the most useful form of Polymorph Self), troll, or rat once per day. Not as useful as the spell itself, perhaps, but it is still something.

    Although, one thing I have noticed is that the cloak version of the mustard jelly is significantly weaker than the spell-form. It gives nowhere near the same resistances. Is this a glitch, or is it nerfed on purpose? Does anyone know?
  • vangoatvangoat Member Posts: 212
    edited January 2014

    Although, one thing I have noticed is that the cloak version of the mustard jelly is significantly weaker than the spell-form. It gives nowhere near the same resistances. Is this a glitch, or is it nerfed on purpose? Does anyone know?

    Not sure if it's a glitch, as such, but it's definitely had the nerfed MR since the original BG2 release.

    It's basically useless as is (other than the +1 AC), because the mustard form sets your MR to 10%, so even if you put it on Viconia or something it would actually take her resistances down.
    Post edited by vangoat on
  • Serg_BlackStriderSerg_BlackStrider Member Posts: 211
    edited January 2014
    vangoat said:

    It's basically useless as is (other than the +1 AC), because the mustard form sets your MR to 10%, so even if you put it on Viconia or something it would actually take her resistances down.

    I can't agree with that - Rat form is splendid tank vs melee foes.

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