Does anyone remember hrothgar's house in IWD where he has trophies of all the monsters he has killed in his adventuring days, including the mounted head of an invisible stalker? There should be a bounty on these.
Keep resting in a weyvern cave, attack weyverns, load everyone up, sell to shop while price is high and we're all rich. Actually I was pretty immature in those days, I might be inclned to roleplay a bit more now.
Just noticed that Officer Vai in the Jovial Juggler in Beregost will buy heads for 1000g each! Not that there's a whole lot to buy, but whatever - mo money!!!
Also you can bring the head to the temple of Lathander E of Beregost for a bounty. I believe that's what Coran was supposed to collect his bounty from.
All this talk of eating Wyvern heads reminds me of the old Gold Box game Dark Queen of Krynn. Near the end, I recall something about eating black pudding (a monster in the jelly/ooze family).
@zarakinthish Black pudding's also a rather tasty sort of traditional pork product made from blood, fat and barley. Goes well in a full English or Irish cooked breakfast. Eating oozes just sounds wrong.
Edit - yeah, from the ingredients list it sounds completely disgusting but it can be really good when done well. Like Haggis. Or most local delicacies.
@Corvino in Germany it's called Blutwurst, quite disgusting but it's basically the same, not sure about the barley..but there is a lot of fat in it. Just by thinking of it makes me puke...grandpa used to eat that shi...erm stuff.
Oh, else Wyvern heads are also good for making helmets in IWD2 in BG1 they are only worth 1k gold each...I heard, that sleeping in some odd locations might attract them every now and then.
Beyond Coran needing a Wyvern head for purposes of fulfilling his quest and selling of the Wyvern head, what else is it good for?
I think what you are asking is, can you sell them anywhere. And the answer is yes. I am pretty sure that Feldpost will purchase them. Leastwise, somewhere in Bergost you can unload them for a profit. You don't get much (50gp, I think), but yeah. you can sell them.
Oh, and you don't need to have Coran in your party to get the first quest completed. merely take them to the Temple next to Bergost.
After a search I found the bit from Dark Queen of Krynn. It is as follows: "Black pudding is considered a delicacy in the Fire Fleet, particulary after several months on the Boiling Sea. As black pudding is a ravenous cannivore, it first must be caught, before being prepared for consumption. Pages 2,976,341 through 3,123,882 of Volume LXXIII of Thrapskaddidlogrumpanaciouslaxzitinity's semi-authoritative study of monster hunting, How People Try to Catch Monsters, contain some 8,647 methods for acquiring puddings. Many of these techniques are not recommended, as they leave the black pudding in an inedible fomm. Black pudding must be kept in secure ceramic containers prior to cooking, to limit damage to culinary personnel. Special longhandled asbestos ladles are ideal for transporting black pudding from these containers to the deck of the vessel. They are also used for cooking the black pudding. Black pudding is traditionally cooked by immersion in boiling lava. (Drikulomengrabaciflatorengulixfreibie, Navigating the Buming Sea, page 323, column 77), although the breath of a cooperative red or gold dragon may be substituted in a pinch. Four to five minutes of immersion per pint of black pudding is a reasonable cooking time; properly cooked black pudding will have a syrupy, gelatinous texture. Extreme Care must be taken not to serve undercooked black pudding; catastrophic cases of indigestion may result from improper preparation.
After removing the black pudding from the boiling lava, it must be set aside for about three hours, until the coating of basalt has fully congealed. After chipping off the basalt, the black pudding should be seasoned liberally with celebdil, ground caradhras, and fanuidhol seeds, then served hot- One quart of black pudding should serve two to three gnomes, unless they are especially hungry. Leftover black pudding may be served for several weeks, although its consistency will suffer."
Edit: For some reason the forum is inserting a return after pudding, making the entry look odd.
Just noticed that Officer Vai in the Jovial Juggler in Beregost will buy heads for 1000g each! Not that there's a whole lot to buy, but whatever - mo money!!!
and she'll keep on doing that till the end of the game, if you *don't* sell her all your bandit scalps - just keep one in the inventory to keep her from leaving, and you'll get a nice extra load of cash for wyvern heads.
and she'll keep on doing that till the end of the game, if you *don't* sell her all your bandit scalps - just keep one in the inventory to keep her from leaving, and you'll get a nice extra load of cash for wyvern heads.
So bloody typical! I have walked all the way up from the Cloakwood mines with two dead bodies and 4 Wyvern heads, AND ankheg heads... last bandit scalps handed in... overwrite long quick save track... and now that blasted officer Vai has run off!
I get SICK of this game and all its unpredictable details that constantly waste your time.
You can still sell them in Sorcerous Sundries for 500 each.
That's what I do with mine. I have the feeling the latest patch changed it so Officer Vai would only buy Bandit Scalps... I swear I read that somewhere in the change logs.
I remember there was magic helmet in IWD2, that was made out of small dragons head... I wish you could make one out of Wyverns head! [Feature Request?]
I mean, cmon: Ankheg armor, Wyvern Helmet... Whole set made out of exotic creatures! How cool is that?!
I think you should be able to make a cloak or gloves from Winter Wolf pelts too. I like gear-crafting quests. They could just give you cold resistance like the Boots of the North.
Is there a better use for an item?
Wyvern heads, Wyvern heads, eat'em up yum
There should be a bounty on these.
Edit - yeah, from the ingredients list it sounds completely disgusting but it can be really good when done well. Like Haggis. Or most local delicacies.
Oh, else Wyvern heads are also good for making helmets in IWD2
Oh, and you don't need to have Coran in your party to get the first quest completed. merely take them to the Temple next to Bergost.
"Black pudding is considered a delicacy in the Fire Fleet, particulary after several months on the Boiling Sea. As black pudding is a ravenous cannivore, it first must be caught, before being prepared for consumption. Pages 2,976,341 through 3,123,882 of Volume LXXIII of Thrapskaddidlogrumpanaciouslaxzitinity's semi-authoritative study of monster hunting, How People Try to Catch Monsters, contain some 8,647 methods for acquiring puddings. Many of these techniques are not recommended, as they leave the black pudding in an inedible fomm. Black pudding must be kept in secure ceramic containers prior to cooking, to limit damage to culinary personnel. Special longhandled asbestos ladles are ideal for transporting black pudding from these containers to the deck of the vessel. They are also used for cooking the black pudding. Black pudding is traditionally cooked by immersion in boiling lava. (Drikulomengrabaciflatorengulixfreibie, Navigating the Buming Sea, page 323, column 77), although the breath of a cooperative red or gold dragon may be substituted in a pinch. Four to five minutes of immersion per pint of black pudding is a reasonable cooking time; properly cooked black pudding will have a syrupy, gelatinous texture. Extreme Care must be taken not to serve undercooked black pudding; catastrophic cases of indigestion may result from improper preparation.
After removing the black pudding from the boiling lava, it must be set aside for about three hours, until the coating of basalt has fully congealed. After chipping off the basalt, the black pudding should be seasoned liberally with celebdil, ground caradhras, and fanuidhol seeds, then served hot- One quart of black pudding
should serve two to three gnomes, unless they are especially hungry. Leftover black pudding may be served for several weeks, although its consistency will suffer."
Edit: For some reason the forum is inserting a return after pudding, making the entry look odd.
I get SICK of this game and all its unpredictable details that constantly waste your time.
I have the feeling the latest patch changed it so Officer Vai would only buy Bandit Scalps... I swear I read that somewhere in the change logs.
I wish you could make one out of Wyverns head! [Feature Request?]
I mean, cmon: Ankheg armor, Wyvern Helmet... Whole set made out of exotic creatures! How cool is that?!