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Non-Quest Encounters for Chapters 2/3

It's been a while since I've played Shadows of Amn, and I'm trying to be pretty thorough in this run. I've done all of the main subquests that I can besides NPC-specific ones... just trying not to miss any of the other encounters, or at least list them for later. I can think of:

1. Shadow Dragon
2. Red Dragon
3. Kangaxx + Liches
4. City Gates Lich
5. Twisted Rune
6. Guarded Compound
7. Sewer Mindflayers

Anything else big that I'm missing for this stage of the game?


  • ryuken87ryuken87 Member Posts: 563
    Well there's loads of encounters as you go down in power/difficulty: Evil sewer party, Rakshasa in the sewers, Den of the Seven Vales party, etc, etc, all the way down do the priest of Cyric in the docks. Where do you want the cut off to be? I wouldn't really call any of the dragons encounters either.
  • MitchforkMitchfork Member Posts: 390
    I guess I'm just looking for anything that people would consider worth doing either for loot or for the challenge factor.
  • enqenqenqenq Member Posts: 499
    Kangaxx actually is a quest ;p restoring him is, anyway. But charname happens to mysteriously already have the bones every time...
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