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symbol of helm ring for multi class

How is it calculated? When your char level is 25 or cleric level is 25?

Bonus question. As I understand it Ascension only affects ToB. I'm waiting to start ToB until it's ready for bg2ee. Does that mean I must avoid Watchers Keep as well?


  • Dzuk5Dzuk5 Member Posts: 129
    i don't anderstaand this qustion?:
    "How is it calculated? When your char level is 25 or cleric level is 25?" i f you asking if multiclass cleric can get ring for cleric in combinetion lvl first calss + lvl cleric class answer is no the cleric ring is always given onlny when eny claric get to 25 lvl in cleric class.
    Ascension? what is that? it sound like mod i don't now that one? if it is ask in mode seciton or subject:
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    edited December 2013
    I think Watcher's should be fine, since it's divorced from the ToB plot.

    And multiclass doesn't work additionally in 2e, it's cleric level.
  • ryuken87ryuken87 Member Posts: 563
    Ascension has a 'Tougher Demogorgon' component, so whwther to do WK would depend on whether you installed it.
  • triclops41triclops41 Member Posts: 207
    Thanks guys, i guys I'll just finish SoA and start my swashbuckler mage game while waiting for Ascension to be ready.
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