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Dual Class question

I was wondering if, after one dual classes from, say a thief to fighter, if they can still get thief HLA after the class has become active again?


  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    The only way do get them would be a very high level dual, which I wouldn't recommend. You'd be looking at mosty fighter HLAs. It may be worth it to dual from a fighter into a thief instead.
  • FrondFrond Member Posts: 121
    Ah I see. Perhaps I shall multiclass instead. Thanks
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 915
    Multi-class is the best way to get both classes HLAs, if you want them.
  • FrondFrond Member Posts: 121
    Well my idea was to play a Wizard Slayer/Thief and get the thief UAI HLA, so I guess multiclassing is the best idea for that.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    edited December 2013
    You can't multiclass a kit without "cheating", i.e. modifying the game/save files. That's one of the big advantages of dual-classing, that you can retain kit bonuses. A multiclass will always be true classes, i.e. in your case a Fighter/Thief and not a Wizard Slayer/Thief.

    But as people said: your first class' progression stops completely once you dual out of it. You will never earn that class' HLAs, unless you already had them when you dualed. I tried that, by the way, and it is most definitely NOT recommended...

    As for your Wizard Slayer->Thief, you can totally dual that and then pick up UAI once your Thief is high enough. It will work for both classes, and remove all WS restrictions. You will not however gain the fighter HLAs, but imo those you can live without. Improved Haste is often better than Greater Whirlwind anyway!
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    edited December 2013
    Well, in order to dual from Thief to WS you'd need to add the kit via 'Keeper, since you can't natively dual into a kit (at which point, you could technically just add the kit to the multi-class anyway). You could dual from a WS to a thief, and then get UAI at level 24, but obviously you'd only be able to take Thief HLAs.

    Basically to go T>F with UAI, you'd need to reach Thief level 24 before dual-classing, and then reach Fighter 25 before getting your thief skills back (though UAI would actually be in effect the whole time, since it affects your character rather than being attached to the class itself).
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