Rotate Party Formation - iPad

Is it possible to rotate your party's formation on the iPad? I do not mean the rearranging of character portraits - but rather the actual rotation of their physical alignment when in formation. I haven't found a way of doing so yet and I feel this really hinders strategic planning. Any help?
I think the reason is that the obvious way to implement this feature, would be to use the same gesture, (two fingers to rotate), that is currently used to zoom in and out.
Maybe a dedicated zoom button for that would have been a better solution, it would free up the two finger gesture to rotate.
Without XP cap
For solo I have a Fi/Th multiclass wearing heavy armor for fights doing quite well. Has reached the level limit around Cloakwood, have stopped playing him until I get around to messing with the XP cap remover.
It is possible to solo with the cap in place but I just need to still get better for my motivation to go on playing.
Since pinch to zoom is standard, rotation is probably what should be given a button. Another option could be a rotate slider that has a toggle button to make it appear/disappear. Or, 3 finger slide. Does the game use 3 finger slide yet? Left/up could be counter clockwise rotation, right/down could be clockwise.