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Tiny Typo (gold received doesn't match with gold in dialogue)

moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
I believe I was offered 300gp, not the 700gp being mentioned.


  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Hmmm, next screen on and I have received the 700 gold, not sure why though. It was never discussed.

  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    Heh, this came up during beta testing as well. It's actually not a bug.

    Here's what's happening: Back when you received the quest, Raelis's default offer was 300 for Haer'Dalis and "more than double that" for the gem. If you accepted that offer, you're just getting paid what was agreed. However, there's always a delay before the window reports something that happens as a result of a dialogue choice (gold transfers, journal updates, XP gains, etc.), so it looks like you're receiving 300 gold in response to a line saying 700.

    Step by step:

    Raelis: So you return and our dark Haer'Dalis, his fetters shattered by your hands, has preceded you. Here is the gold I promised... Have you the gem he spoke of?
    Charname: <pick any choice>
    // You're now set to receive 300.
    Raelis: Ah, Mekrath's prize! It shall be our salvation yet. Here be 700 gold. Haer'Dalis, tell them what we are about while I prepare for the summoning of the conduit.
    // Now the window reports that you received 300 gold, and you're set to receive 700.
    Haer'Dalis: Yes, Miss Raelis. Blah blah blah...
    // Now the window reports that you received 700 gold.

    While this looks odd, both the dialogue and the rewards are correct. Still, I'm glad you reported it even though it seemed like a tiny thing. :)
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    Cool - as you say it looked a bit odd so thought it worth mentioning. Glad it's not an issue!
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