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BG Tweaks, OS X: illegal instruction error

TaishanTaishan Member Posts: 1
Posting this because I didn't find a complete solution when I googled it earlier.

- running BG2:EE as purchased from the mac app store
- running os x mavericks on two machines
- downloaded the BG2 Tweaks Pack v14 to both machines
- tweaks pack copied into the Resources dir of the application folder
- change perms u+x on setup-bg2_tweaks
- run setup-bg2_tweaks on one machine and the install worked without issue
- run setup-bg2_tweaks on the other machine, and the install bombed with 'illegal instruction: 4' error

To resolve the error

- download the latest WeiDU package from
- extract the zip into the same Resources dir as above
- delete setup-bg2_tweaks and setup-bg2_tweaks.command from Resources (you won't need them)
- run the bg2 tweaks mod installation from Resources/ using this command in your terminal of choice:

./WeiDU-Mac/weidu bg2_tweaks/setup-bg2_tweaks.tp2 --tlkout dialog.tlk

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