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How to edit the spells per day and spells known for a sorcerer kit?

DeisDeis Member Posts: 25
edited December 2013 in General Modding
I noticed that their is a file called MXSPLDD.2da that I believe controls the Dragon Disciples 1 less spell per day disadvantage. I have attempted to create my own .2da spell table for my kit to use as well. How would I go about having my sorcerer kit utilize my new spells per day table in Weidu?

Also, I would like to create a spells known table for my sorcerer kit and have him use that as well. I see that there is a table SPLSRCKN.2DA for that as well. How would I go about implementing a custom table for my kit?
Post edited by Deis on


  • MangekyoxMangekyox Member Posts: 25
    edited December 2013
    To edit the spells per day what you were thinking is correct. MXSPLDD is the max amount of spells per day, for each level. To edit this all you do is change the number associated with the table. another easy way if you're just wanting a Sorcerer equivalent (remove the 1 day) just copy the table for MXSPLSRC and paste it over the old one. this will max the tables exactly the same.

    As to the custom tables, sorry unable to help there. If I find out during my modding adventures i'll let you know :)

    Note* Always export each file before you edit them just in case something goes wrong :)
  • DeisDeis Member Posts: 25
    I need to implement a custom table for both changes I am attempting to make as I don't want to modify the base Sorcerer class or the Dragon Disciple kit, just my kit that I am adding. I am hoping that it is not a hard-coded feature of the Dragon Disciple kit.
  • MangekyoxMangekyox Member Posts: 25
    I should note for you that all kit mods that have been created are not working for V1.2 of BG. I am not sure if that applies to kits created after v1.2 has been applied but due to the changes to the 2da apparently that custom kits don't work.

    Well creating a custom table would be easy enough.. just use the "add copy of" feature to apply one into the override file and edit that one.. Then just use the new table for your kit.

    i've only really gotten into near infinity in the past 5 days and they have been all creating items :p so as far as indepth kit creation I'm not much help XD

  • MangekyoxMangekyox Member Posts: 25
    I should note for you that all kit mods that have been created are not working for V1.2 of BG. I am not sure if that applies to kits created after v1.2 has been applied but due to the changes to the 2da apparently that custom kits don't work.

    Well creating a custom table would be easy enough.. just use the "add copy of" feature to apply one into the override file and edit that one.. Then just use the new table for your kit.

    i've only really gotten into near infinity in the past 5 days and they have been all creating items :p so as far as indepth kit creation I'm not much help XD

  • WispWisp Member Posts: 1,102
    Both of the things you want to do look to be hardcoded. There does not appear to be any softcoded assignment of which mxspl* table kits use, so you get the table of the parent class, unless you're Dragon Disciple. Same deal with spells known. Disclaimer: I'm not sure I'm fully up to date on the latest EE developments, so I could be overlooking something.

    Custom kits work, provided you append to the new 2DA files (which ADD_KIT does not yet do automatically). To make it easy for you in the meantime, there's this (download), (usage example).
  • abomination5abomination5 Member Posts: 3
    Yup, I believe you'll have to overwrite DD if you want a custom sorcerer spell progression as of now. Hopefully they can externalize it in the future.
  • DeisDeis Member Posts: 25
    I have been using your excellent file to help my kit work. I am curious though, as to how it all works. I noticed that there is no clswpbon and profs in the file. I am attempting to have my kit use the fighter values for apr and proficiency gain. I have the following,

    kit_name = EldKnight
    clswpbon = ~1 0 2~
    numwslot = 3
    hpclass = ~hpprs~
    profs = ~4 4~

    However, when I install my kit these values are not added to the corresponding .2da files. Is it possible to add them to the fl#add_kit_ee.tpa file? How would I go about doing this? How would I be able to tell if these are hard coded?
  • abomination5abomination5 Member Posts: 3
    AFAIK getting the fighter APR from clswpbon.2da doesn't work right now anyway.
  • WispWisp Member Posts: 1,102

    I can't reproduce your problem with clswpbon. Installing the example TP2 appends to the file. Make sure you haven't mistyped anything.
    PROFS.2DA is not relevant to kits and there is no such variable for fl#add_kit_ee.
  • DeisDeis Member Posts: 25
    I forgot to mention that clswpbon does append correctly, just that I do not gained the GETS_PROF_APR effect in-game. Probably an engine problem. I managed to implement it through a permanent APR bonus instead. I have potentially solved my spells cast problem. I will be implementing it through an Edwin-style solution with an amulet that gives negative spells per day instead. I might give the kit spell school restrictions also as a further method of balancing out a UAI sorcerer with melee capability.

    Thanks for being so helpful.
  • Sorry for the necro-bump, but is this still hardcoded? Any tips on doing this for 1.3?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited September 2014
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    @Deis and @LordsDarkKnight185‌ , you cannot assign custom spell casts per day progressions to classes using .2DA files, but you can do it as @subtledoctor‌ said using passive .spls are the required levels.
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