Save synchronisation

Has anyone made any thoughts about this?
I assume that there will be a seperate save folder connected to the app - does anyone have a good way to set up a sync between app files and the windows version of the game? (I plan to play both roughly the same amount of time). Of course the best thing was if you could set it to be automatic, in a dropbox kind of way, is that possible? Google drive perhaps? (Im no expert on these apps, hence my question).
At any rate I guess we are going to have an easier time than ipad users with direct control over the file system.
I assume that there will be a seperate save folder connected to the app - does anyone have a good way to set up a sync between app files and the windows version of the game? (I plan to play both roughly the same amount of time). Of course the best thing was if you could set it to be automatic, in a dropbox kind of way, is that possible? Google drive perhaps? (Im no expert on these apps, hence my question).
At any rate I guess we are going to have an easier time than ipad users with direct control over the file system.
I have ended up resorting to ADB pull/push commandline to get stuff on and off my new tablet lately.
But in regards to BG:EE savegames and iOS, iFunbox solves that issue neatly, so I'd say they're on par pretty much.
This looks promising! Especially how you can choose individual folders, so in theory we can select the save folder for BGEE for android, and the save folder in my documents in windows for automatic synchronisation!
I've not looked into this, but didnt they say thats what they want to do?
Indeed there seems to be plans for a cloud save feature. But we do not know when this will be implemented, so until it is, I am looking for substitutes.
2. Create a symlink from the old location to the new one:
3. Use Folder Sync Lite to sync files to/from your Baldur's Gate save data on Dropbox to your Android save folder:
4. Pull your hair out and scream when you realize that the save data for Windows and Android is different.
Step 4 is unconfirmed but I wouldn't be surprised.
Thanks for the update!