Charmed NPC issue

Is anyone having the bug where your NPC becomes charmed, there circles go RED but they stand there still and do not attack your party back?
I dont know what mods are causing this, I only have tactics and SCS installed on BG2EE
EDIT: I was having this problem in BG1EE with SCS.
I dont know what mods are causing this, I only have tactics and SCS installed on BG2EE
EDIT: I was having this problem in BG1EE with SCS.
However, you should also make a note of whether the charmed character has any other affects upon them, which might account for the behavior. For example, it is possible for a character to be both charmed and stunned, which one would expect to result in the situation you described.
Assuming that is not the case, then to determine whether it is a problem with the game itself, you would want to remove all of your mods and then allow a member of your party to become charmed. If they behave normally then the game is working, if they still do nothing then there might be a problem. Upload a saved game before the fight begins and give detailed instructions for how to replicate the situation you are experiencing.
I never found a way to fix it once it happened, but (assuming your game's problem is similar in cause to mine) if you just do everything you can to avoid damaging your party members, which you presumably would be doing anyway, the problem should be less common.
As far as mods are concerned, I had SCS and Shadows over Soubar installed on orginal BG2 when I encountered these problems.