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Quests carry over from Chapters?

Hey guys,

Just putting up a post to try and confirm what I'm seeing here. Just got BG2:EE last Friday, I blinked and now it's Monday morning (where was I?! :P). Suffice it to say, I'm having a blast! I'm still in Chapter 2 because of all the quests I'm in the middle of. Well, last night, just to see what would happen, I saved and decided to pay off Gaelen and go into Chapter 3. Good thing I saved though because when I looked at my quest log, all my quests from Chapter 2 were gone!!

Is it safe to say that I cannot carry over my quests from chapter to chapter and that I have to finish them before I go into the next one?


  • IselethIseleth Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2013
    No, the quests remain active after chapter changes, it's just the journal that doesn't carry them over. You can access the quests from previous chapters by clicking on the arrow on the left. After you update the quest, it gets moved to the current chapter section.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Sometimes they are deleted from the Journal, they shouldn't, but they will still active.
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