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Familiar constitution problem

it's brought my blade's constituion down, and now he is so frail. had no idea it was going to have that affect if my kitty got splattered. how do I solve this? i realized it to late and now haven't got any recent saved games and I have no intention of starting over. I tried using EEkeeper and even though I bring it back to the normal level it still glows red. is there any way of solving this?


  • Durlag_ThunderaxeDurlag_Thunderaxe Member Posts: 71
    It does say pretty explicitly in the spell description :p

    I dunno what you mean by 'glows red' but u can use EE keeper to reset ur constitution, and if that doesn't work, just reset ur hp as well.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    EEKeeper - go to Affects. Remove the affects Modify HP and Constitution. Set your HP down to where it should be with the affect cast on it.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    My familiar was killed in the Planar Prison thanks to my poor judgement. I just sucked it up and accepted the lower Constitution.

    The game is less fun if you don't accept at least some of the consequences of your actions (IMO).
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    I got no sympathy for ya. Letting your familiar die is animal cruelty (not being serious... Much). Seriously, familiars are not intended to be disposable NPCs. Haven't you ever watched the adventures of Sinbad, or read theVlad Taltos books?
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