How was the year?
It ends in less than two hours for me, plus I'd imagine some more hours for most of you. Throw in some reviews.
- How was the year?46 votes
- Worst ever  4.35%
- Lousy15.22%
- Had better13.04%
- Ehh  8.70%
- Okay10.87%
- Better than the last one13.04%
- Pretty good apart from the spineless protagonist19.57%
- Best  4.35%
- Best best  2.17%
- I'll tell after I've played the DLC  8.70%
BTW I had the best average based in my marks in the class (yeah, I'm a 14 teenager who spends his time modding IE games, reading good literarure books, playing BG and studying, while I am not eating...) and I realized lots of things, most of them about why I do not have so much feelings as others do (you could be dying and I could be lauging, really).
But yeah... rather not go into details on a public forum. But let's just say that finding this nice community and forum was one of the few things that worked out well.
Here's to a better 2014!
And, yeah, I am pretty feeling less, and, well, I stand for my own laws, what means that I am a total tyrant and careless about people, well, I try to understand this "love" others feel, and I think it reduces you, it makes you need something, back to the 1700 you didn't have a need for electricity, now you do, humans do not progress anymore, and feelings are retroactive in this, if it weren't for them, we might have a batter world, with a halved population maybe.
And, @heindrich1988, don't bait @crevsdaak, he'll go on a "I'm so evil I scare myself" rant with very little provoking.
Crevs, don't go on your rant. We know you think your evil :P
As for my year, well, yeah. High school. Imagine, every day, going to work with a bunch of dicky teenagers and teachers with a personality more like xzar than anything else. (I'm not even kidding, she took a fifty dollar bribe for a final grades ' worth or extra credit, and got away with it as far as I know [not from me. I am chaotic good, and/or ain't got that kinda money laying around] ).
I think I became Edwin on the inside, which was an interesting development, as I will prove below.
As for @crevsdaak bragging about grades, I will say I was 94th+ percentile on the state standardized test this year(hardly anything to brag about, what with the United States school system) and apparently I have a post-college reading level. (Brilliant. The simians rate my intelligence just above a drunk 23 year old begging for a minimum wage job)
*this sequence was probably unnecessary*
I told you I became Edwin
Anyway, while on topic, best wishes for you guys.
Good luck everyone!!
Eh. :P
I don't mean to, people are free to have fun over whatever reason they want. It would be nice ar reassuring however, had they realized there is no need of New Year to think about their life and decide to change it somehow. Every day is good for this.
Oops... my bad. In my defence, it was pretty dark before I said anything.
Yer not really evil. You're far too helpful and generally nice to be Evil :P
You are Chaotic (self-proclaimed Chaotic God), Egoistic (ur superman stats for the self-assessment threads and ur assertions of godhood) and Cheesy (not the dairy version). But evil? Nah... Not yet at least.
And that's NOT an invitation/challenge for you to prove your 'evilness' :P
Casts - Protection from Evil.
*Knows its useless cos Powergamers like you would probably begin with a barrage of Dispels anyway* lol
BTW, @Heindrich1988 I've got those stats, no lying, the INT tests were pretty easy, and I had my WIS lowered due the large amount of Common Sense questions. And the other test was VERY generous, 13 CHA, Wtf!??!?
wow was it stolen three times last year? The same car? Maybe you should lock it...
I kid
Despite the huge temptation, I am gonna refrain from another huge political essay, because there is no way to adequately address a whole political position with anything less.
I will just say that (no disrespect) at 14 years old, you still have much to learn and much to experience. When I was 14 I thought I had everything (except girls) worked out. I thought I knew who the good (China!) and bad guys (Japan and America!) were, and I was absolutely sure that if I could rule the world/China/UK, I'd have the answers to make everything better.
As I got older, life experiences, and the study of political theory, made me realise that there are problems with every ideology, and the more I learn, more questions are raised than answers. Recognising that fact, is in my opinion, (perhaps somewhat self-aggrandising), a true measure of wisdom. The knowledge that you cannot possibly know all. Thus I will not attempt to persuade you of my political beliefs, as I am still learning myself.
Oh and on the other point:
That's 'your' proclaimed ability stats.
Strength- 14
Dexterity- 19
Constitution- 17
Intelligence- 19
Wisdom- 18
Charisma- 13
Now you can arguably say "If I was born in Faerun and became an adventurer, my stats would be"... but again, with all due respect, I cannot take it seriously.
If it were true, you'd be the most incredible person on the planet, as you'd have superhuman dexterity (max for Human is 18), immense natural fitness and superhuman intelligence (again superpassing max 18). That means you should be the best marksman in the world, or an olympic gymnast, in addition to having just begun a Doctorate in Mathematics/Theoretical Physics at Harvard University. :P
And now for Wisdom... u are 14 years old, and so unless you have some divine gift, as in literally, a gift from God (or Gods)... (in which case my mind is blown, cos I am Atheist, but I'll readily worship a divine power if I see it
I hope u don't take offense. I do not mean to put you down. I have no doubt that you are very intelligent, probably a great deal more so than me. As somebody who has graced the hallow halls of Cambridge University, I have had the honour of meeting and knowing some true geniuses (like 18 Int), so I readily accept my inferiority in comparison. Your mastery of modding is impressive for one so young, and perhaps you are a genius in the making... But is also important to have perspective, and know one's limits.
When I was 18-19, I was at the top of the world. I already had a year's work experience at a top technology firm in my gap year. I was at Cambridge University, already (as a first year student) Vice-President of the Chinese society there, had a beautiful older girlfriend and lots of friends from all around the world. I thought there was nothing I couldn't do, I thought I had no limits. If it was do-able by any human being, I could do it! I found out the hard way that it wasn't true. I am still paying the consequences now.
Those weren't the stats I gave to myself, I should be 25/25/25/25/25/25 Joking :P.
My real life stats would be like 11/14/13/14/12(the lack of common sense)/7(or 5), the freaking test exaggerated everything, I am not SO egocentric. And I said it twice so this topic is dead.
And about limits, that is something I will never comprehend, many other people can't think of the infinity pr eternity, but I can't think of limits, I was pretty sure someone was going to say I don't know a single thing about politics, but, can you do everything you want? Or are you linked to something? Do you even know why do you live? After knowing how the society is nowadays, the last thing I would like to do is to contribute directly (what means, I won't even think of making charity projects or that stuff, there is enough money in the world, but it isn't used with wisdom, spending a fortune in the army, what do you think it stands for? For nothing! And many governments could have used that money for something much more useful, not only for them, for everyone, many of these things come from people's ignorance, it is the weakest point, who the hell knows about the cure fo cancer? I do, who else? No one, since many governments hid it, just because they made hell more money by doing all the traetment to "cure" it. What do you thunk I would do? I don't even care, since I see life as something HEAVILY pointless, NO ONE knows why he lives, and most are uncaring about that, sonce they are focused in other things, in pointless mortal things.
I know what others think about me, they think of me as a 14-years-old-unwise-bloody-idiot, who don't even know he is talking about, but, I don't care, it is yours pointless opinion, since I won't consider everyone but me.
Other thing is that I don't accept that someone is better than me, it is in human nature to try to me the best one, I don't try to be the best all the time, I am pretty uncaring about others opinions, but I fall to my own judgement, and I think I can do it better, and I put all my efforts, just to supprass others, to be "the best". The title of Lord of Chaos was initially a joke-like title, since I am like the Lord of Chaos Arioch, both in physical appereance and in my twisted and chaotic mind, so I made it as a joke, but it is like something I like, so I preserved that title. And the meaning of Crev'Sindir Daak'Huinar is "The One Titled Death/Dead", what means I am a dead who brings death, but it makes no sense, that was another thing based in a joke, I got injured in my neck while getting up a chair (fuck the tiny spaces and me getting near them, well, inside) so I was joking I was bitten by a vampire, and that I was becoming a Nosferatu, so I invented that longer name, while Crevs Daak means "The Titled", pretty enigmatic, but it is just because I recopiled all my titles I have to my PC on my first BG run, and in may other runs, as he was named Crevs Daak, I wondered what meaning I could create for the words "Crevs Daak", so it ended like that.
And also, I am Balance's Tool in this plane, so, what do you expect from me? :P joking again
EDIT: people nowadays should read some Asimov or Bradbury, they don't stop thinking of the future as something better, while most people hates/dislikes/shows slightly dislike for Chaotic events, they don't know how Time works.
Future - Chaos
Present - Balance
Past - Law
I had to work, and I was particularly grumpy due to feminine reasons, but overall, it wasn't bad. Nothing horrible happened. We didn't have a tree fall on our house. So it looks like 2014 is looking better than its cousin already!
(Yes, we had a tree fall on our house one year. No biggie. It kinda scuffed the roof and then fell over our fence though.)
Our garden fence got blown down by the gales the week before Xmas, so I guess that's technically 2013 'ill luck'. It should be getting fixed at the weekend, but...
The weather is gonna be pretty rough in Southern/Western England in the next 24 hours, so fingers crossed it's not too gonna be serious.
I myself am back in Manchester, no garden fences to worry about, but I am getting kinda sick of the incessant rain. I blame the rain for my bad mood and general grumpiness.