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Favorite Class For CHARNAME

Just curious on the opinions of others for their preferred class for CHARNAME.

I personally REALLY like Ranger/Cleric/Druid (lol) it really is Ranger/Cleric but you get druid spells along with cleric spells, and its extremely versatile, although i usually pick a kit as well, my favorite overall being Archer/Cleric/Druid (essentially), However only realistic ethos mod/weapons mod allows Archer/Cleric to use bows, so not sure i can count it since its not technically "vanilla'' (Ashes of Embers Mod")...Not to mention they are stupid good in BG1 because of Arrows of Detonation :D

My second favorite would probably be kensage or fighter mage...

My brother and i had an argument on the most powerful class, and we both agreed on fighter/mage or kensage, then later i thought about it and said i think they are the most powerful in the game, but in the one on one sense i bet my Archer/Cleric/Druid would beat your kensage... So we tested it out :D, It would usually play-out in 1 of 2 ways. He would either cast PFMW first or mirror image or stoneskin, because if he doesn't he doesn't have any time to cast a second spell, considering i will always interrupt him with an arrow, so i usually shoot one arrow just to make sure he doesn't try to get off a time stop right in the beginning, then i immediately cast dispel magic, getting rid of his PFMW, etc... It kinda ends up being "I CHASE YOU WITH SWORD" and while im running i shoot arrows into him :D and we got mixed results on what the better one on one class thought i would share that experience, and it got me thinking, what do you guys think is the best class for Charname one on one sense, and in campaign. Also what is your guys favorite class. Curious what other people enjoyed.


  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 903
    Favourite classes: Blade and Wild Mage.

    Runner up: Avenger.

    Dislikes: Kensages, Ranger/Clerics, and Zerkmages (too much cheese).
  • unkinheadunkinhead Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2014

    Favourite classes: Blade and Wild Mage.

    Runner up: Avenger.

    Dislikes: Kensages, Ranger/Clerics, and Zerkmages (too much cheese).

    Interesting, i never thought of a Ranger/Cleric as being cheesy by any means, although i will agree with you on Kensages... Zerkmages i have yet to see.

    Also, i gotta try Blade now, it always interested me but never actually used it.
  • TyranusTyranus Member Posts: 268
    Favourite Class: Sorcerer

    Honourable Mentions: Ranger/Cleric, Fighter/Mage/Thief, Inquisitor

    Least Favourite: Shapeshifter

    Dishonourable Mentions: Swashbuckler, Kensai->Mage, Undead Hunter
  • tennisgolfbolltennisgolfboll Member Posts: 457
  • limalama45limalama45 Member Posts: 32
    Completely depends on which alignment my character goes.

    Favorite Class for Evil: Assassin
    Favorite Class for Good: Sorcerer

    Quite like playing a Cleric as well for both Evil & Good

    Least Favorite: Barbarian
  • billygreatbillygreat Member Posts: 66
    Favorite class for me is the cavalier.
  • unkinheadunkinhead Member Posts: 107

    Favorite class for me is the cavalier.

    My favorite Paladin Kit is Inquisitor, but i have yet to try Cavalier, i do admit, there advantages sound like they would be pretty good in certain places (underdark, TOB, etc).

  • JumbikJumbik Member Posts: 19
    unkinhead said:

    Favorite class for me is the cavalier.

    My favorite Paladin Kit is Inquisitor, but i have yet to try Cavalier, i do admit, there advantages sound like they would be pretty good in certain places (underdark, TOB, etc).

    I have soloed the game with Cavalier. You can get really ridiculous rolls with paladins on character creation. The only problematic part was with the brainsuckers in underdark because i had only 4 int :)

    Paladins are one of the strongest pure classes next to sorcerrors. But properly made multiclass can be stronger no question about that.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
  • TidusTidus Member Posts: 86
    arcane: wild mage
    divine: priest of helm
    strikers: shadowdancer
    warriors: kensai

    I like blades and hybrids a lot too, just not as a charname (that's why I always keep around Imoen, Jaheira, Jan etc)…
    my current playthrough revolves around a chaotic good kensai who refuses to loot people's homes, killed Dorn and Edwin on sight and slaughtered Hexxat as soon as she *spoiler*)

    I'm not sold on barbarians and sorcerers… no, to be hones, I deeply dislike them
  • Ziva75Ziva75 Member Posts: 25
    My only playthrough with all 3 games (if you count ToB as sort of the 'third' game), using the same character, involved a Cavalier with an all good party.

    Now, with EE edition, I made an evil sorceress with an all evil to near the end of BG 1 EE... and scratched it.

    Made an to about half of EE... and scratched it.

    I'm playing a Cavalier again... and haven't had the same fun since. Guess I'm just stuck on that one.
  • FrogmanFrogman Member Posts: 153
    Mine's probably Elemental Shaman from Warcraft
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 903
    unkinhead said:

    Interesting, i never thought of a Ranger/Cleric as being cheesy by any means...

    Cleric/Rangers gain access to the complete Druid spell list, which should not be the case. They should only have access to the Druid spells available to them through their Ranger levels.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    I like dual and multi thieves of all types! Cleric/thief, mage/thief, fighter/thief. Still missing: druid/thief, monk/thief, paladin/thief
  • Edwin_OdesseironEdwin_Odesseiron Member Posts: 226
    Favourite class: Invoker

    Runner up: Illusionist/Cleric

    Honorable mentions: Cleric/Thief

    Least favourite: Monk
  • BayazBayaz Member Posts: 22
    Cleric/Ranger is def. cheesy and you're forced to be good alignment. But it's pretty much the perfect class to run for a good playthrough.

    For me, it's Zerker/Cleric dual since Viconia sucks with her 1apr and Amonen is a whiny shitter.
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    I enjoy playing as Cavaliers. They've got a number of nifty immunities the help a lot in BG1 but aren't really OP. They also get normal Paladin spellcasting which does actually add up to quite a bit by mid SOA.

    Also Fighter/Anything Multiclasses are good value. You get a good chunk of survivability and melee prowess with a bunch of other things bolted on for good measure. The fighter part of the multi really helps in early BG1. They're not usually the most powergame-y of choices as there's almost always a more optimal dual but you play as the role you want from the very outset, and I hate dual-class downtime.
  • AnaximanderAnaximander Member Posts: 191
    edited January 2014
    berserker 9 / x mage ... the implausible dual class because I obsessively need those improved gauntlets of weapon specialization. a bhaalspawn could manage it they probably channel bhaal when beserk and can still cast spells sorta like sleep walking ahh, or sneezing uhm yeah. Sure you'll end up chaotic neutral because the whispering voices of bhaal and mystra won't stop fighting for control uh oh!

    I think cavalier is under-rated they get that shield of faith + draw upon holy might + innate resists + resist fire & cold, protection from fire, protection from lightening priest spells + resist equipment + defender of east haven offhand and nice bastard swords or long swords in the main + hardiness + gww +help beating up dragons and demons a bit not a bad class just be nice and give carsomyr to the fighter theif or bard meh heh heh! I think because of a loop hole or rift in reality you can throw Azuredge at Liches too, though you really shouldn't it upsets the gods.

    Fighter/Thief with Carsomyr, badass if not sligtly better than useless ;D Make the halfling C/E and troll the pally hard! Detect illusion means those inquisitors are a bunch of posers, put a trap under one 8D Looks good in Human Flesh armor as well, this a big plus oh yah!
    Post edited by Anaximander on
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
  • unkinheadunkinhead Member Posts: 107

    unkinhead said:

    Interesting, i never thought of a Ranger/Cleric as being cheesy by any means...

    Cleric/Rangers gain access to the complete Druid spell list, which should not be the case. They should only have access to the Druid spells available to them through their Ranger levels.
    Insect Plague + Creeping Doom + Ironskins are the only Druid spells i found useful... Creeping Doom and Insect Plague are both amazing spells, probably my favorite...Makes so many battles a joke (if they are mages).

  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    There are a few more very useful druid spells such as Summon Fire Elemental, Summon Nature's Ally, Nature's Beauty and Greater Elemental Summoning HLA. Call Lightning is pretty OP in BG1 but less so in BG2.

    Spell Levels 2 and 3 are lacklustre but the rest have good choices. Just use 2 and 3 to load up on fire/cold resists, find traps, slow poisons, charm person/mammal and cure medium wounds. All those spells that are situationally useful but you never want to use your priest for.
  • unkinheadunkinhead Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2014
    Corvino said:

    There are a few more very useful druid spells such as Summon Fire Elemental, Summon Nature's Ally, Nature's Beauty and Greater Elemental Summoning HLA. Call Lightning is pretty OP in BG1 but less so in BG2.

    Spell Levels 2 and 3 are lacklustre but the rest have good choices. Just use 2 and 3 to load up on fire/cold resists, find traps, slow poisons, charm person/mammal and cure medium wounds. All those spells that are situationally useful but you never want to use your priest for.

    Those are just summons though, il expand later, I tried nature's beauty, and frankly i didn't like it very much, it seems lackluster for the level in which you get it, everyone's saving throws are pretty well established that late in the game. As far as summoning goes, i never had the need or want for that matter to really use Elemental Summons...Just because by the time you get those spells, all the summons really are there for, is to distract enemies (at least thats what i use them for), so i preferred having lower level summons such as Summon Skeleton (drawing a blank on real name, animate dead?) for clerics, and spider summoning for my mage, and obviously the 1 deva, just because they did the job fine, the only reason i use the deva anyways though is because they are the best stall EVOR, they get hurt and then just heal themselves and start over, which is amazing for stall/distraction. Other than that, i don't like using spell spaces for things such as Elemental Summoning, but in all fairness, i have yet to thoroughly try out, so, whats so great about them?

    Side Note: Ya Call lightning is definitely amazing...Really good in BG1, it is still amazing in bg2, it just happens to be that your never freaking outside when you fight
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741

    Fire elementals hit hard and last for 8 hours so they last the entire map and they're fire immune.

    The elemental princes do things like dispell on hit etc and are basically on par with devas/planetars.
  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    edited January 2014

    - Mages. My favorite mage-type characters are wild mages and sorcerers. Never played a kensage or a multi-class mage although I have used Aerie a lot.

    - Fighters but with a twist. I find regular fighters a bit too boring, although I do enjoy the glass cannon known as the kensai. Fighter/thief is fun too. I would have enjoyed rangers and paladins, except I think their gimped leveling is too painful.

    Least favorite: Druids. They just don't seem very good or very interesting for that matter.

  • MythdraconMythdracon Member Posts: 187
    *Monks. Awesomely powerful and fast, with Mind Shield, poison immunity and currently 69% magic immunity. Simply cannot be beat for sheer awesomeness, and the novelty of seeing them use their fists and legs against demons....and win!

    *Paladins. Another insanely mighty class, and they are tied to their Reputation and choices more than many classes because of their ability to become Fallen.
  • MitchforkMitchfork Member Posts: 390
    unkinhead said:

    Those are just summons though, il expand later, I tried nature's beauty, and frankly i didn't like it very much, it seems lackluster for the level in which you get it, everyone's saving throws are pretty well established that late in the game.

    The real kicker for Nature's Beauty is that the blindness effect has no save- so as long as the enemy is in the area of effect and Magic Resistance doesn't kick in, they're permanently blinded. Even liches and dragons aren't immune to this. You do have to be a bit up-close and personal to use it, though.
  • mrdeluxemrdeluxe Member Posts: 98
    Favorite classes: Blade, Kensai, Monk, Stalker, Bounty Hunter.

    I prefer single classes or kits to dual or multiclasses, although the Fighter/Thief multi class is pretty fun. There's nothing like the satisfaction of a successful backstab.

    My perfect character would be a hybrid between Kensai, Monk, Thief and Wizard Slayer: No armor, no magical items, full grand-mastery in any weapon, could hide-in-shadows and could backstab. A stealth swordsman. Alas, there's no such class in Baldur's Gate.
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