help! I power gamed too much! (SPOILERS!)

Hi everyone,
So I've played this game a few times through (many times actually) prior to the enhanced edition, but this time I over did it a bit as far as powergaming/metagaming etc- oops!
With my 4 person party of CHARNAME (elf berserker), Vicci, Neera, and Hexxat, I completed almost all available quests in chapter 2 and then played all the way through watcher's keep almost to the end, before I started chapter 3. Now I'm getting ready for the underdark and I'm so overpowered that I can pretty much rely on scripts to win any battle with very little micromanagement, even after cranking the difficulty up to insane. All 4 of my characters have high level abilities and I haven't even fought a single drow!
I know this is my fault for power gaming, and I'm not the first to do this, but I am looking for ways to keep the rest of the game interesting and I am open to all suggestions.
One thing I've wondered about- I know I can dump party members, but my main character is the most OP of all. Has anyone found a way to set an NPC like Vicci as the CHARNAME or main PC? Can I dump my CHARNAME?
Just a thought. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
So I've played this game a few times through (many times actually) prior to the enhanced edition, but this time I over did it a bit as far as powergaming/metagaming etc- oops!
With my 4 person party of CHARNAME (elf berserker), Vicci, Neera, and Hexxat, I completed almost all available quests in chapter 2 and then played all the way through watcher's keep almost to the end, before I started chapter 3. Now I'm getting ready for the underdark and I'm so overpowered that I can pretty much rely on scripts to win any battle with very little micromanagement, even after cranking the difficulty up to insane. All 4 of my characters have high level abilities and I haven't even fought a single drow!
I know this is my fault for power gaming, and I'm not the first to do this, but I am looking for ways to keep the rest of the game interesting and I am open to all suggestions.
One thing I've wondered about- I know I can dump party members, but my main character is the most OP of all. Has anyone found a way to set an NPC like Vicci as the CHARNAME or main PC? Can I dump my CHARNAME?
Just a thought. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
Apart from difficulty mods, maybe you can make roleplay rules for your characters to limit their power and make the game more challenging (only 1 Berserk per day, no Shield of Balduran, no Spell sequencers, no Necromancy spells from Neera, etc.).
if you think about it baldurs gate is REALLY similar to football! That's what I told some kids at my school and then they poured tomato soup down my pants and pushed me into a puddle of mud.
Actually why not just nerf the whole party? I don't have much experience with EEkeeper, but I think you could take away 30% of their experience, that should do the trick I think.
Make sure you nerf every character by the same amount of levels, so if at the moment Hexxat's 21 and Neera's 20, you want to nerf by 7 levels, therefore Hexxat will end up 13 and Neera 12 because in CLUA you will want to level up every character.
Load the game, check the Record Page of character for the desired amount of XP your character will level up, and set it in CLUA
The characters will level up and the game should recalculate their statistics properly. Worked for me.
EDIT: I forgot, also when nerfing in EEkeeper, make sure you subtract proficiency points. Look below to find how many points a character should have on a certain level's_Gate:_Progression_Charts
In game, move the cursor on your char, press Ctrl+K to kick it and Ctrl+Q to recruit it again.
Have fun
In game, move the cursor on your char, press Ctrl+K to kick it and Ctrl+Q to recruit it again.
Have fun