Sorcerer guide for starting bg2

Hi all first time playing through Baldur's Gate 1 and loving it so much, a friend of mine recommended the game to me years ago and I dismissed it due to its dated graphics, how foolish was I?
Anyway I'm planning to take my sorcerer through to Baldur's Gate 2 and was just wondering if there's any tips to help get me going? I have heard the battles are more magic intensive in the second one.
Sorry if this has already been asked before.
Cheers :-)
Anyway I'm planning to take my sorcerer through to Baldur's Gate 2 and was just wondering if there's any tips to help get me going? I have heard the battles are more magic intensive in the second one.
Sorry if this has already been asked before.
Cheers :-)
You can look up various Sorcerer guides, of course, such as these: - Party Sorcerer - Solo Sorcerer
However, I feel that would be more akin to just "checking the boxes" as you go. What is best is not always what is most fun, and you'd be missing out on one of the best parts of BG - discovering things for yourself and what works for your playstyle.
@Ozma since you have already started, you can always use another mage from the game, to help learn and experiment. I can't quite remember, does a sorcerer have the ability to replace known spells upon leveling up(I only played a sorcerer once, a long time ago)? If so, you can learn the usefulness of spells from your fellow wizard and then customize your known ones on the run.
I don't feel like pointing a finger at specific spells for you, because it largely depends on your playstyle. You can decide to be a supporting mage who mostly tries to buff the party and disable the enemy, you can become strictly offensive, dealing massive damage but having less buffs/debuffs.
Edwin is right, this is one of the games where tactical advice hardly ever fits everybodys needs, the number of possibilities is too damn high
It was written for BG 2 Vanilla, so there maybe some changes in the Enhanced Edition, but on the whole, it is still a great resource for any beginner.
I've used mage companions like Dynaheir, Neera and Imoen, and also a Sorcerer in a MP game. Sorcerers are somewhat more powerful because they have more spells and are tactically more flexible since they can cast whatever spell they want within each level.
On the other hand, Mages are strategically more flexible, because they can (assuming sufficient Int), learn any spell in the game if they obtain the necessary scroll, and possess a much larger arsenal of spells. @Antagonist Sorcerers cannot pick new spells to replace old ones when they level up.
Regardless you cannot go wrong with a sorcerer in BG 2. I would have loved the early high level penetration spells like Pierce Magic, Ruby Ray of Reversal etc to help defeat the mage protections I ran into so regularly in my SoA playthrough.
I can give just 5 tips.
Do not
Select low
Level protection
Spells, remember
As for the actual help I was called to give, I would recommend not playing a sorcerer
I will say if you know what your doing, than the sorcerer is by far the most powerful class in the game after level 4. If you don't really know what your doing, than they might be the least. If you understand game mechanics and read the spell description carefully, than you should be able to make it ok. I would say pick time stop, skull trap not fireball, and stoneskin.
Spell Shield.
Spell Immunity.
Improved Invisibility.
Minor Globe of Invulnerability.
My consideration of low level is 1-3.
BTW I always pick Mirror Image and maybe Blur.
4-6 mid levels.
7-9 high levels.
I tend to focus on F/M and M/T.
I did not consider illusion spells as form of protection, in this case yes, Mirror Image is a must, but I always preferred Mislead rather than Improved Invisibility. Again, a matter of individual taste.
Though in my present playthrough (Wild Mage) the only spell from the above list, that I use, is stoneskin. I'm a weirdo..
Well, you said you realized it was a lot better to kill them two rounds later, without getting damaged, but frankly I don't know what you're talking about, because in a majority of battles the enemy won't even get near my wizards, without being slaughtered five times in a row.
I mean, what's the point in protecting them, if 9 out of 10 enemies are paralyzed/confused/hopelessly lying on the ground and that 10th guy just ran away shitting his pants
EDIT: After this playthrough, I think I might actually try a game with no melee guys. Protagonist sorcerer, 2 wizards and a cleric. That just might be an interesting experience.
Level 1:
Magic missile (sleep if bg1)
Chromatic orb
Level 2:
Mirror image
Glitter dust
Acid arrow
Knock, only if solo. Blur if not.
Level 3:
Skull trap (not fireball)
Dispel magic
Ghost armor
Fire arrow, or lightning bolt maybe. Not much else left for lvl 3.
Level 4:
Fireshield, red or blue.
Emotion: hopelessness
Greater malison
Level 5:
Sunfire if slolo, breech if not.
Lower resistance
Breech, sunfire if not solo
Cone of cold
Chaos, maybe spell turning. list starts to get a bit plastic from here.
Level 6:
Death spell
chain lightning
Improved haste
Invisible stalker
Disintegrate or flesh to stone, have some powermagey fun. ;P
Level 7:
Mordi's sword
Finger of death
Delayed blast fireball
Power word, stun
Mass invisibility, or ruby ray of reversal
Level 8:
Horrid wilting
Pierce shield
Power word, blind
Symbol, stun
Level 9:
Time stop
Spell trap
Level 10:
Improved alacrity
Summon planetar
Dragons breath
Level 10 "spells" are not spells, but high level abilities, and I'm not sure how many you get, but these are the useful ones.
thanks for all your tips and quick replies, much appreciated.
Here are my spell picks so far ( I'm level 6 at the moment)
Level 1: Magic Missile, Protection from evil, shield, sleep
Level 2: Blur, Mirror image
Level 3: Skull trap
Would these be considered good choices so far? I'm going to try and achieve a balance of offence, defence and buff/de-buff, the idea that I can handle myself with/without my party.
Thanks and happy new year to everyone :-)
Edwin got you nice enough lists. While meagloth edited them in his own style I'd also make some minor changes here and there... Don't get too focused on what we say here though, as you can see each of us has a different magical taste, you'll probably also find your own not exactly matching our suggestions. Only your own research will guide you on your proper path, good luck!
At level 1 you're suggesting that Magic Missile is optional - it's not as good in BG1, but still powerful at level 5, and essential for any run that goes into BG2.
At level 3, Melf's Minute Meteors is missing. Absolutely amazing spell, does terrific damage, hits almost anything in the game at lightning speed and for decent damage, and you get more and more as the level goes up. For the same reason, Energy Blades as a level 10 spell is well worth it.
At level 4, Secret Word is well worth a shout for easy removal of certain annoying spell protections (Spell Turning and Globe of Invulnerability come to mind). Spider Spawn is worthless for any BG2 run since there's infinitely better summons and you can only have 5 at once. I'd take it for a solo run since you won't have access to anything better early in the game (no Cleric with the improved Animate Dead that always gives Skeleton Warriors for example) but not for anything with a party.
There are no Sequencers or Chain Contingencies in your list. Granted, the lower level ones are worthless, but the high level versions are terrific at making short work of highly dangerous opponents. "Pierce Magic, Breach, Lower Resistance" followed by "3 x Abi Dhalzim's Horrid Wilting" is a combo I've used to take down Demo Gorgon in a matter of seconds.
I'm not a huge fan of sequencers, I find steering them up annoying, and by the time you get to the useful ones than you have the robe of Venca and thing that enable you to cast protection spells just as fast. I would say for your second Mage, who wouldn't have the robe of Venca, that they are very useful, and as there are no sorcerer NPC's, than they won't take up a spell pick for anyone.
Level 1:
Magic Missile
Shield (or Protection From Evil if you plan to use Gate)
Chromatic Orb
Sleep (Shocking Gasp if you want to deal awesome damage with melee)
Level 2:
Mirror Image
Melf's Acid Arrow
Web (Resist Fear if you dislike reloading a lot in low levels of SoA)
Level 3:
Skull Trap
Melf's Minute Meteors
Remove Magic (last choice, works epic in ToB)
Hold (Hold Undead if you want to make Bodhi pay)
Level 4:
Fireshield, Blue (there are much more creature immune to fire and Cold Protection is difficult to get)
Minkr Globe of Invunerability
Ice Storm (or Minor Sequencer)
Greater Malison
Level 5:
Lower Resistance
Spell Shield
Spell Immunity
Chaos (or Cloudkill or Sunfire, depends on your playing style)
Level 6:
True Sight
Protection From Magical Weapons
Improved Haste
Protection From Magic Energy
Death Spell
Level 7:
Project Image
Finger of Death
Limited Wish (Protection From the Elements of BG2:EE, they've ruined the spell)
Power Word, Stun
Ruby Ray of Reversal
Level 8:
Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
Bigby's Clenched Fist
Power Word, Blind
Spell Trigger (or Protection From Energy if you haven't chose Protection From the Elements before)
Symbol, Fear
Level 9:
Time Stop
Wail of the Banshee (Gate if you are a little bit more maniacal)
Spell Trap
Chain Contingency (Black Blade of Disaster if your playing style is different)
You can take all the lvl10 spells.
Also, I would say spiderspawn stays useful because it's a cheep summon and a few hasted sword spiders can dole out the damage. It's good cheep firepower for a solo, or if a cleric runs out. Also, it's a lot faster than clerics animate dead, especially after the robes of Venca.
I can Shapechange with Limited Wish, but I think the non-working variables has been fixed in the EE as well as some Chan Contingency exploits, will change for the EE.
Still, solo sorcerer runs are better in vanilla, EXPLOITS FTW!!!