SCS Lavok

Don't really know what to say. Guy starts buffed with Spell Trap, SI:Abjuration and some other minor buffs.
Of course, being an early quest there literally is no way at all your characters will have means to dispel Spell Trap unless you grinded forever and delayed the quest to a far later Chapter or were lucky enough to find and save a scroll of Ruby Ray etc as a drop.
Frankly, the pre buffed Prison Warden with HLAs was cheesy enough, but at least you could dispel his buffs.
With Lavok it seems the only way to win is to wait until his protections are over and spells are gone, which is pretty doable assuming you have a strong character and Rods of Ressurections, but makes me feel cheap. Then again, it's not as if facing a level 21 wizard with a level 11-12 party isn't hilarious in itself.
I could try spaming spells until Spell Trap is absorbs enough crap, but I don't really know how that works, using Melfs for that purpose is rather cheesy to me too.
Of course, being an early quest there literally is no way at all your characters will have means to dispel Spell Trap unless you grinded forever and delayed the quest to a far later Chapter or were lucky enough to find and save a scroll of Ruby Ray etc as a drop.
Frankly, the pre buffed Prison Warden with HLAs was cheesy enough, but at least you could dispel his buffs.
With Lavok it seems the only way to win is to wait until his protections are over and spells are gone, which is pretty doable assuming you have a strong character and Rods of Ressurections, but makes me feel cheap. Then again, it's not as if facing a level 21 wizard with a level 11-12 party isn't hilarious in itself.
I could try spaming spells until Spell Trap is absorbs enough crap, but I don't really know how that works, using Melfs for that purpose is rather cheesy to me too.
Edit: by stuff I mean skeletons.
Also he does not gate in pit fiends at least not when I did him, but tolgerias does. I actually had a lot more trouble with the warden because on insane he would chunk neera in one bit from full sometimes...
Frankly my problem with SCS and some bosses like Lavok is that you fight a mage you cannot possibly hope to dispel, that and the quest was obviously designed for low as in 10-12 level characters as far as BG2 goes.
Warden can be dispeled at least.
I also don't install the need to melfs but this time I can count the number of times I used melfs on like one hand.
Had to load an old save from my pre-Planar sphere days. Damn, that was annoying!
Anyone else experienced this?
There are many other ways to dispel it: Khelben's Warding Whip, Pierce Magic/Shield, Spell Thrust, Secret Word, Scroll of Protection from Magic, Spell Strike.
I would go invisible and time out his PfMW. Then take down his stoneskins the usual way. Is he a real lich? I can't remember, but if he isn't you can beat his PfMW+stoneskin with the firetooth crossbow. If he is then you can pop him with Daystar and protection from undead.
Second: maybe this will help you understand my point:
My party is level 11/12 now, the only spellcaster is Edwin and Lavok is destroying me atm. He summons in 2(!) uber pit fiends, throws abi dalzim like crazy, and pierce shield and breach don't seem to be doing anything.
The problem is if i have to cast multiple spells to strip his protections, by then he's already killed edwin, or summoned the pit fiends and the battle is lost. He then rebuffs with PfMW anyway.
I don't think he's backstabable, dorn's poison weapon doesn't seem to do anything (even when I make him invisible and attack before Lavok buffs, and he's immune to cloudkill. I think I'm gonna have to run away and make him waste his spell on summons, then shut the door and hide in one of the other rooms.
Edit: Well, I killed him now. I basically ran past him, he started spellcasting so I hid in the room on the left with the myconids. Then came out, threw a couple more summons at him and then ran to the other room with the lizard men. Killed them, came back out and most of his most potent buffs had worn off, so I just threw breaches at him and had everyone attack. Kinda lame but whatever.
Edit 2: Just ran into old mate Tolgerias now. Lol. Time stop, summoned 2 cornugons and a bone fiend, every spell protection up. He prebuffs with like 8 things than fires a contingency on sight!
Edit 3: HEHEEEHEHE. Invisible Dorn with poisoned weapon and hexxat with jade fang ran up behind tolgerias. Backstab for 43 damage + got the stun (lucky)!. Dorn hits for 21 damage, plus the poison. Tolgerias dead in seconds.
I got lavok with a insect plague before he got any powerful non defensive spells off then I just knocked out a couple of defenses and whacked him. Tolgerias was much harder because I had no poison weapon and no way to land insect plague before he went invis etc... Ended up running him out of defensive spells before killing him using invis potions and oil of speed. Everyone but Charname died...
The insect line of spells also lose a lot of power if you nerfed them in SCS, as every mage and their mother comes prebuffed with Fireshield.
I also had sunray against Lavok, not sure if he counts as undead but I had daystar and project image/simulacrum scroll when I did it.
I reloaded and same thing happened.. weird. Oh well, can't say I was looking forward to that fight anyway.
Also, if you want to avoid them prebuffing, sneak a rogue in there and pop them with a one shot backstab before the protections come up...
That would be my solution, and often was in BG1, but BG2 has a habit of either prebuffing the Mages or having them join the fight pre-buffed. The fact that SCS exacerbates this even further is all the reason I need to hate it.
As a Necromancer he won't have the powerful illusion spells active. but i'm honestly not sure about his spell trap and if and how it reacts with spell thrust and secret word hmm...
Anyway, the halflings are indeed maybe tougher because there's more of them, and Tolgerias definitely is tougher than Lavok.
But as many others, i agree that SCS isn't nearly as FAIR or Tactical as it is portrayed to be. It basically FORCES you to have 2 arcane casters in the grp, both memorizing anti-magic crap if you don't have scrolls galore and are not overleveled.
Meleers who are weaker than casters anyway don't get any extra lvls, but casters get a ridicoulously high lvl compared to you, if you're not powergaming/importing char etc. Against Groups and even Hordes of enemies which don't have Spellcasting support or only 1 mid-lvl Mage you're breezing through them...
But then come mages and if they come in packs, they are invincible gods possibly destroying you in 2 rounds.
Standard dispell is useless due to lvl (i don't have an inquisitor, and even then checked the option for 1.5multiplier). On the other hand, anyone in your party who hasnt spell immunity WILL always be dispelled, so you have to micro them away from other chars...
I always played with full pre-buffs but seriously starting to doubt it does the game any good. Spell Sequencers and contingencies were initially meant for short-term in combat buffing. And if they prebuff you have to install old Weimers Buff Scripts because else the game will be unplayable due to constant buffing. Too much micro for too little gain...
What's worse is some of them seem to have spent most of their spell slots on protections, so they can't really do much to you other than stuff like chaos/malison/slow etc. So it's just a war of attrition until their defenses wear off.
Eventually you get sick of it and end up cheesing them by doing things like: go in invisible, hit them with a triple sunfire spell trigger before their protections come up (Good way to take out Layenne and the stupid eyeball in Twisted Rune fight).