Imoen is broken as a dual class

I decided to dual class her after level 7 to based her off the BG2EE version. But dual classing her was a waste because it made the Thief class inactive. Uhmm why?
Edit Opps I messed up. It's 7.
Honestly, dual classing in BG 1 is rarely worth it.
False in BGEE, just like in ToTSC you can dual to mage as a level 7 thief and still regain your thief abilities by the end of the game. It just takes for god damn ever.
edit: that sounded condescending but wasn't my intention sorry
I might be wrong, EE gives xp from scribing scrolls right?
Edit: Which is why people don't normally dual-class her in BG 1 at lv7, cos it takes a really long time.
Still, in the latter end of the game, XP awards should be high enough such that spinning through the 'lower' levels of the new dual class shouldn't be terribly slow. Particularly if you know where the big money rewards are located.
much thief
so damage
very spellbook
wow arrows
Because cleric can have a little crisis of faith - and as such, he loses his abillities that his god has granted him. Furthermore, the former cleric has to pick some other profesion in order to survive as a adventurer.
And the point of reclaiming his once lost cleric abillities can be interpreted as a return to service for his god.
It also caused him to drink heavily, mainly to shut out the memory of his entire party being roasted and eaten by a hungry Great Red Wyrm. One of my more fun characters.
Point of the post being, with adequate roleplay reasoning I dispute that only clerics can realistically dual-class from their cleric class into another.
More serious: As far as cleric is concerned, maybe you grew up a cleric, then became and adventurer and realized you needed to fight. You still worship your god, but now you are training as a warrior to spread his message. You still pray and receive spells, but are not learning new ways to communicate with your deity.
Or perhaps you are a Priest of Illmater and love suffering so much you dual into a wizard slayer or beastmaster
So, durning the fighter as being inactive class, you character will never hold a sword, even while being in life-threatening situation. You cannot forget/unlearn your body reactions and muscle memory at whim or by drinking. All above is not justificable by anything.
Only amnestia excuse can be considered good one, but I can already see that the fact that your Kensai lost his memory fortunately at level 13 and became a mage is little too convenient.
EDIT: post edited so that it would make more sense, according to my intentions.