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MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
There have been discussions on alignment of various characters, my main problem is reputation, it makes sense for bartering, and I could understand some off comments from my NPCs. But I don't think NPC happiness should be linked to Rep, I'm sure there's a mod that fixes this. For example, If I just play through the game without being a psychopath my rep goes sky high, Jaheirah and Viccy get moody (and perhaps even leave)so I have to take them down a dark alley and murder a peasant for them, now they are happy again.

Are there people out there who want NPC's to behave like this?


  • SallparadiseSallparadise Member Posts: 94
    I do. Adds some flavor to the game, adds a little contention and some squable. The reason I liked the game is because of the constant strife and personality from the different NPC's regarding everything. Same reason why I didn't like IceWind Dale
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    Cool, this is why I'm more interested in other people's opinions. I'm a terrible RPer and almost always make exactly the same choices for every dialogue, so I always have problems with NPCs away from a good alignment.
  • SallparadiseSallparadise Member Posts: 94
    To be fair, the opposite is about as bad. I'm to good of an RPG'er that I get to enthralled and for some reason to attached to cut people loose even when I'm playing evil or neutral playthroughs. Imoen, Jaheria or Khalid, I would have to kill them off before I could get rid of them. I could't do it when they were alive.
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