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Chaning an NPC portrait

How do I change Imoen's portraits in BGII:EE? I tried following the advice of a post here and put the replacement "Imoens.bmp, Imoenm.bmp and Imoenl.bmp" inside the Portraits directory I made, but it isn't making any change. As far as that goes, I can't seem to find *.bmp files for any PC or NPC characters anywhere on the computer, even in the 00783 or Override folders. If it makes a difference, I'm using DungeonbeGone and SCS mods. Thanks - I always preferred Imoen's portrait from the first BG over the second one.


  • SylphSylph Member Posts: 210
    I think the S, M, and L are case sensitive and should be uppercase?
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    I think it has to be NIMOENL.BMP etc and it has to be in the documents/bg2ee folder (or wherever your saves end up... basically make a portraits folder in the parent directory of the save folder). At least that's what worked for me.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    nano said:

    I think it has to be NIMOENL.BMP etc

    That is correct; to replace her BGII portrait you put an N in front of the file names. Then you dump them in whateveryourdocumentsfolderiscalled\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition\Override. The Portraits folder may work too (and if there isn't a Portraits folder, you can just make it).
  • LoctaviusLoctavius Member Posts: 16
    I am really stressed out now. Ugh. (First world problems, I know.)

    I appreciate the reply from everyone, but I've apparently got a bad case of being stupid. Nothing I am doing works. I really detest that portrait of Imoen in BG2. Can anyone help me out here by maybe doing the following? Surely karma and good fortune awaits the kind soul who can do this for me:

    * Find the correctly sized 32-bit BMP files for Imoen from BG1. (I don't know if I need all three, or just the small and large.) You know, the one with the short hair, dark shadows and impishly arched eyebrow.
    * Verify that it works on your end, in a multiplayer game.
    * Post or send me the required bmp files and tell me exactly where they go. Between the directory with the saves in "My Documents", the "Override" folder in C:/ProgramFiles(x86)/Beamdog/Override and the 00783 folder that contains a lot of stuff, I am still unclear where it goes.

    In other words, I am not sure if it isn't working because I don't have the right sized files, (MS Paint will only save 24 bit and I don't have another image program) or because they aren't in the right place (I tried all of the suggestions you guys gave above) or both.
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