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Is Bodhi an elven name?

I don't know why but it seems more vampiric than elvish, maybe I'm just putting the name to the face too much. I was just wondering if Bodhi was an elvish term for her, similar to how Irenicus means "The Shattered One".


  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    I always thought she chose a new name after she became a vampire, though I can't remember if any of the elves refer to her as anything different...

    This is a good question.
  • AramintaiAramintai Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2014
    I think her name has something to do with Buddism concept of enlightenment and literally means Awakened. You can read it up in wikipedia:
    Makes sense if you think about it - she sought liberation from her curse and awoke as vampire, which gave her a new perspecitve on life.
    It's also the name of the sacred tree under which Buddha had spent whole week after achieving enlightenment:
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