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playing a f/m/t, which stronghold should i pick?

ive only ever picked the thief guildhall, what perks do the other offer if any? i want to try something new this game


  • Dzuk5Dzuk5 Member Posts: 129
    edited January 2014
    fighter stronghold will give you about 500 gold per week but to end all quest from ther without lossing it you must spend more or less 10000 gold. no new item ther only XP and only to singel person (no team XP like in druid for example) XP there -> 7quest*15500+fight at end(30000)=138500 to split with your team. and time betwen quest is rother enoying.
    Thief lots of gold per week(about 3000) no XP from quest. if you chouse thief gild you don,t get short sword +3 as reword for maevar quest(best wepon in SoA for haer'dalis)
    mage stronghold is moust interesting. and you can get now item from ther but for the price some times iven loosing the stronghold
    If you are a mage, Lavok will give you his planar sphere after you have finished the Planar Sphere subquest.
    Enter the sphere and Reyna the Solamnic knight will ask you to return her to her own plane.
    A cowled wizard named Teos will appear and make you an offer. They will allow you to keep the sphere if you agree to complete some tasks for them.
    Speak to Ribald in the Adventurer's Mart in the Promenade. Give him 9000 gold and return to your sphere. 24 hours later, Khollynn Paac will appear and send the three knights back to their own plane. Reyna will give you a Golden Girdle in thanks. If the 9000 gold is too much for you, speak to Prelate Wessalen in the Order of the Radiant Heart in the Temple District. He will agree to take the knights into his order. The knights will accept this, though they won't be very happy.
    In the front room of the sphere, Teos will appear again. He will bring three young apprenti with him which you will be responsible for.
    For their first task, your apprenti will either make a Dagger +1 for 250 gold, a Wand of the Apprenti for 1000 gold, or a Ring of Protection +1 for 2000 gold. Return in four days and the item will be completed. If you chose the ring, Larz will die creating it.
    For their next task, your apprenti will either create a Mislead scroll, an Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting scroll, or a Meteor Swarm scroll. Nara will die in trying to make the Meteor Swarm scroll. You can pick up the items after four days.
    For their final task, your apprenti will offer to make a Robe of the Apprenti for 250 gold, a Ring of Wizardry for 3000 gold, or a Staff of Power for 10000 gold. One, two, or all three of your apprenti will die in trying to create these items depending on how difficult the item was that you asked them to make. If you forbid them to make any of these three items, all three mages will survive and their training will be complete.
    Twenty-four hours after your apprenti have left your service, Teos will reappear and invite you to their graduation in your sphere if any of them survived. If all three of your apprenti survived, they will thank you for your training. Otherwise, they will not have anything pleasant to say.
    Two days later, Sergeant Natula will appear and tell you to return to the Planar Sphere quickly.
    When you enter the Planar Sphere, Teos will appear ask you why you summoned him. Sergeant Natula will appear along with several others and ambush you.
    Once you have defeated all the ambushers, Teos will reappear and ask you to remove Ketlaar Argrim who was behind the attack. He will give you the Rune of Imprisonment.
    Enter the Crooked Crane by the City Gates and go up to the 2nd floor. Defeat Argrim's bodyguards and use the Rune of Imprisonment on him.
    Return to Teos to report your success. In return, he will tell what he can about Imoen.
    Morul will appear and ask to be your apprentice. He will provide you with several potions each week.

    i whould take mage stronghold or instal mod bg tweak there is compnent giving you all stronghold for your charnem profecitions
  • ZeratulZeratul Member Posts: 575
    @Dzuk5 [spoiler] Morul never appear to me despite was the only apprentice still alive after the 3 apprentice make the ring of wizardry. Maybe you must save all 3 apprentice to get him as potion maker. Well thinking about a potion maker vs a ring that i'm still using in TOB i will Stick to the ring ihihihi
  • DeltharisDeltharis Member Posts: 124
    I recommend guides. More spoilers, but also accurate descriptions of xp and item rewards available.
    It also does say that yes, you do need all 3 of them to survive to get potionmaker, that you get extra xp if they all survive as well as odds of surviving when choosing each item. And I think there is one more ring of wizardry somewhere in SoA...
  • FlowFlow Member Posts: 21
    Deltharis said:

    I recommend

    It also does say that yes, you do need all 3 of them to survive to get potionmaker, that you get extra xp if they all survive as well as odds of surviving when choosing each item. And I think there is one more ring of wizardry somewhere in SoA...
    Wizard ring outside the mage stronghold quest:
    Do Jaheira's personal harper quest. In the ambush in the harper headquarter you can collect the ring of one of the bodies.
  • ZeratulZeratul Member Posts: 575
    Thanks Flow [spoiler] i know about ti but i don't want wait for Jaheira triggering her quest. I need other companions ;)
  • ajisgod321ajisgod321 Member Posts: 58
    i never took jaheira out with me so looks like im porked there
  • kryptixkryptix Member Posts: 741
    Mage is the best, and yes you need to tell them to make nothing the last week to get the potion maker.

    One thing is that fighter the gold piles up wherever you are while Mage you can only get one set of potions. For example when I got back from spell hold fighter had 2k gold waiting. I've never tried to raise taxes though so don't know how much you can do that.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    I vote mage. Stay away from thief.
  • SerpionSerpion Member Posts: 67
    Mage for additional good items -)
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    Mage or fighter for sure, never do thief again IMO :)
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 903

    It's worth it for the graduation ceremony alone.
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