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NPCs and (maybe) finishing their quests in a timely manner.

GriboeGriboe Member Posts: 47
Do any of the NPCs actually leave if I don't finish X quest in Y amount of in-game days? I've had Haer'Dalis and Minsc ask when I was gonna get to ABC and I've just went and at least begun their respective quests - but will anyone eventually go the way of BG1 NPCs and outright leave me?


  • victory_rosevictory_rose Member Posts: 72
    The quest Minsc repeatedly reminds you about isn't his, it's just initiated if you have him in your party when you visit the Government district. The quest will be initiated without him in your party - it's just the game mechanics of reminding you that the quest is outstanding. It will never lead to Minsc doing anything other than remind you about it (and thus finish the quest to get him off your back). :)

    As for Haer'Dalis, can't really say, since I almost never play with him, but his only quest is the Planar Prison one, and that quest isn't really his, i.e. it certainly can be done without him, so I would think it unlikely that Haer'Dalis would do anything more than reminding you about the quest.

    From what I've read, Nalia's quest is very time sensitive, but most other NPCs will give quite a leeway to finish their quests. This is said with the proviso that I've never really tried out Hexxat or Dorn, so can't state anything with certainty about them.
  • tennisgolfbolltennisgolfboll Member Posts: 457
    Many leave
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,345
    Hardly any iirc. Some (very few) quests you get are time sensitive, but very rarely will NPCs leave because of them. As I recall Mazzy will eventually leave if you never go see about her sister, but that's about the only one I can think of.
  • TwaniTwani Member Posts: 640
    Mazzy will leave if you don't see her sister, Keldorn will leave if you won't solve his family issues, Anomen will leave if you don't go to solve his family issues and take him to his test, and Jan will leave if you won't go to help his ex. Not sure about Cernd's issue, but he might leave over it.
  • tennisgolfbolltennisgolfboll Member Posts: 457
    Twani said:

    Mazzy will leave if you don't see her sister, Keldorn will leave if you won't solve his family issues, Anomen will leave if you don't go to solve his family issues and take him to his test, and Jan will leave if you won't go to help his ex. Not sure about Cernd's issue, but he might leave over it.

    Yep. Korgan also leaves if you dont raid his tomb
  • victory_rosevictory_rose Member Posts: 72
    I stand corrected.

    In my defense, I hardly ever have Mazzy and/or Korgan in my party, and the one time (recently) I had Keldorn, I did his quest right away so I could get rid of him. I've always done Jan's quest right away and the few times I've had Anomen in the party, there has been romance (or the possibility of romance) involved, so I did not drag my feet there. In any case I'm a bit OCD so I tend to do all quests as soon as I can, although on my last run with Minsc, I must admit he had to remind my numerous times about the Umar Hills quest (too busy finishing all the others). :)
  • PawnSlayerPawnSlayer Member Posts: 295
    You're not the only one recently to post here thinking that Umar Hills was related to Minsc, it came up in another thread not so long ago. Haer'Dalis's quest actually requires that he not be there for most of the time, and I really can't see that being time sensitive. Wouldn't have thought Valygar's is either. Jaheira's is time sensitive in that she dies if you don't finish the Baron Ployer quest within 10 days. I have a feeling that the Harper quests she gets for her romance are also time sensitive as she'll bugger off to do the job herself if you delay. Could be wrong on that one though.
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