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Me+Dorn+Solaufein - Gibberlings3 doesn't work

Hello everyone! I'm new here so sorry for any stupid questions in advance. Aslo, English is not my native language hence possible mistakes.

Ok, so here's the problem: I wanted to do a threesome with Dorn and Sola and installed appropriate tweaks in Gibberlings3 mod. But it doesn't work. After "dance dialogue" with Solaufein Dorn's global sets to 1 (was on 2 before) and I can no way force it to change again to 2 via console. Can't check Sola's global because console says he's romance doesn't exists. Sooo what do I do wrong?




  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    I don't see the saulofein mod listed on the "compatible mods" list in the mod subforum. Not sure if there is a fix yet for what you're doing.
  • NiaRueNiaRue Member Posts: 3
    Oh, I see. Funnily enough Hexxat reseted to 1 from 3 and is molesting me now, while Dorn is on 2 as wanted after reload and is not bothered with Solaufein's dialogues any more. I don't know why, I didn't do anything different.
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