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BG1 Deafult Male Voice-Does anyone know where I can get the file set? Or who the actor is?

daemonblade1229daemonblade1229 Member Posts: 12
I have been scouring the internet trying to find the .wav files for the default male voice of BG1 so that I can create a custom sound set for BG2. Thus far I have had no luck. I know that you can find the Male 1 voice in the language folder, but the default male is not there.

Does anyone know where I can get those files?
Or, is there any news as to when this might be fixed?

I love the default male voice in BG1. I can't even find the actor's name (thanks IMDB, for only listing the named characters), but it's wonderful. Does anyone know who the voice actor is?

I'm talking about the voice that said "Onward!" and "I feel this is my rightful place." and "I am not well."

I want that in BG2. So yeah, is can anyone help me?


  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    I sort of want that too. "Default" voice in both games are some of the best sets imo.
  • daemonblade1229daemonblade1229 Member Posts: 12
    Much agreed. The default from BG1 just really fits the character I have been rp ing: a goody two shoes cavalier bent on pursuing truth, justice, etc., in a sort of classically inspired medieval knight kind of fashion.

    That said, the fault voice for BG2 is in the language folder. But the default from BG1 is not. I assume it is packaged somewhere in another folder, or maybe even embedded within another file type. But, given how active the BG mod community was for years, I thought that someone would have pulled that voice out by now and have it available for download. At this rate, i will have to record it from the game and make the set myself, so I wanted to make sure and check before I went through all that trouble.
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    I'm almost positive default voice actor is also Corans.
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