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Best Summoning Weapon? (Other Than Wand of Monster Summoning)

I am about to begin a solo archer playthrough, and im going to need something that can summon creature(s) to stall for a little while i pelt with arrows, i know of the Staffs of Air/Fire/Earth. But is there anything better? Something that would theoretically stall longer?



  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    Longer, not. But better at tanking physical damage? Of course! There is a blade that you can buy at Trademeet that have a special ability that allows it to fight by itself - meaning, you have a fighting sword at your side. Utterly resistant most damage types, all physical included. The downside of the blade is that it can fight only for 4 rounds, before becoming a normal sword again.

    Of course, I might be wrong about some details, like time of summoning, but still, I think the weapon could be interesting if used properly.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    I like the Efreeti. He can also turn you invisible and cast some spells. Great buddy to have. Available at your local Trademeet, some initiative required.
  • unkinheadunkinhead Member Posts: 107
    edited January 2014

    Longer, not. But better at tanking physical damage? Of course! There is a blade that you can buy at Trademeet that have a special ability that allows it to fight by itself - meaning, you have a fighting sword at your side. Utterly resistant most damage types, all physical included. The downside of the blade is that it can fight only for 4 rounds, before becoming a normal sword again.

    Of course, I might be wrong about some details, like time of summoning, but still, I think the weapon could be interesting if used properly.

    Are you talking about Spectral Band +4?

    Also i guess i could just carry around like 5 different summoning weapons and use them all,
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    That's the Ras +2
  • unkinheadunkinhead Member Posts: 107
    Maybe i should just use Limited Wish and ask for a horde to protecct me (it summons a horde of bunnies) lmao.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    What kind of archer are you that casts Limited Wish O_o
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    Lets archer has access to:

    -Horn that summons the warrior for 60 sec
    -Stronghold animal summon (was it the moon dog or golden lion?)
    -Ring that lets you summon a effeeti (cant steal it from the djnni? kill him instead)
    -3 staves of elemental summoning (fire, wind, earth)
    -Spectral Brand

    Your problem now is not the limit number of summons, but rather the inventory space dedicated to these items.
  • SkaffenSkaffen Member Posts: 709
    Golem manual would be great and is available early on, not useable though unless you mod it. The reason why
    i went wis int instead of wis for my solo sorceress...
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    And the spider figurine, too.
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    IIRC Aran Linvail also has an item that can summon a djinni. You need to side with Bodhi and kill him to get it though.
  • unkinheadunkinhead Member Posts: 107
    nano said:

    What kind of archer are you that casts Limited Wish O_o

    Arcane Archer...duh...Such a common class...Can't believe you don't know about it.... :D

  • unkinheadunkinhead Member Posts: 107
    bbear said:

    Lets archer has access to:

    -Horn that summons the warrior for 60 sec
    -Stronghold animal summon (was it the moon dog or golden lion?)
    -Ring that lets you summon a effeeti (cant steal it from the djnni? kill him instead)
    -3 staves of elemental summoning (fire, wind, earth)
    -Spectral Brand

    Your problem now is not the limit number of summons, but rather the inventory space dedicated to these items.

    Thanks for the list, i am going to kill Hexxat early on and take her bag of holding that holds everything :D

  • kaffekoppenkaffekoppen Member Posts: 377
    bbear said:

    -Ring that lets you summon a effeeti (cant steal it from the djnni? kill him instead)

    Isn't it a flask? It looks like one and I have it in one of my quickslots now :)

  • AramintaiAramintai Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2014
    Also, for druids:
    Staff of the Woodlands +4 can summon Shambling Mounds.
    And for mages/bards:
    Golem Manual can summon various types of golems depending on what pages are given to Cespenar.
  • AramintaiAramintai Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2014

    bbear said:

    -Ring that lets you summon a effeeti (cant steal it from the djnni? kill him instead)

    Isn't it a flask? It looks like one and I have it in one of my quickslots now :)

    The flask summons efreeti. However I seem to recall that Aran Linvail had a Ring of Djinni Summoning on him if you side with Bodhi.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    If you are an archer kit you get the moon dog statue from your stronghold. Not the best tank but it has some VERY useful abilities (quick healing spell, true sight!).

    Kinda wish rangers had animal companions in this game (but not as overpowered as Minsc's)
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